Chapter Twenty One: The Royal Progress

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"The Noldor make things to last and I do not think its purpose is done with yet." - Elrond

Alethris wrapped her long fur lined cloak around her as she and Thranduil joined Elrond's household as they bid Gandalf and the Hobbits farewell. Gandalf embraced them both. "King Thranduil, Queen Alethris, I hope your progress home will be a safe one."

"It will certainly be much safer than in the past," said Thranduil.

"Where are you headed?" asked Alethris. "I am going as far as Bree, then to visit with an old friend," replied Gandalf.

"You will come to visit for tea when you come north. I have a house in Crickhollow, it is small but very cosy?" said Frodo.

"We will look forward to it," replied Alethris.

"I am going to miss our little chats," said Sam.

"I will too, you will just have to visit us when we are in Annúminas," replied Alethris.

Pippin bowed low to the royal couple. "Farewell, King Thranduil. You will be much missed in Gondor Queen Alethris."

Alethris chuckled slightly. "Oh, I am not so sure about that." Merry also bowed low as he made his own farewell. Then the hobbits descended the steps and mounted their ponies that were waiting in the courtyard. Gandalf mounted Shadowfax. Then the company headed up to the track that led back to the Great East Road and with a smile and a wave, they were gone.


The cold air whipped around the wood of raining leaves as Alethris, her brothers, Thranduil and Elrond stood before the great burial mound. All that remained of the once thriving village of Duincar. White flowers of Athelas still littered the mound, like fallen stars, shining out defiantly against the dense green grass.

Carefully, Elladan and Elrohir built a cairn at the foot of the mound. When they had finished, Alethris solemnly laid her carefully prepared wreath."May you reach new shores safely," she whispered. Then Alethris sang the lament that had been sung the night of the last journey. Her enchanting voice encouraged the others to accompany her.

They then stood in silent contemplation as Elrond said a few words. Then he and his sons returned to their horses, leaving Alethris and Thranduil alone. As Alethris looked up at the mound, Thranduil clasped her hand reassuringly. "I had to come before we go south. Duincar was my home once. The Great Hall once stood here and If I close my eyes, I can still see Labes stirring the stew. My grandmother butchering an animal and my mother telling me to wash for supper. Now there is nothing, not even a post hole remains of it. It is as if Duincar never existed."

"But it did exist and exists still within your heart, Melleth nin. Your mortal family are buried within that mound, along with all the others who were slain," replied Thranduil.

"They are here, but not here. Their fea's left many years ago, to shores unknown and I shall never know where they went."

Thranduil took her other hand and looked into her moistened eyes. "Is that what you fear most about the fates of our children?" Alethris nodded and he kissed her on the forehead. "I will wait, but perhaps one with more experience in these matters than I would give you better counsel." He glanced at Elrond, who was waiting patiently at the edge of the wood. 


Laughter echoed from the Dining Hall as Alethris and Elrond made their way towards her old room. She and Thranduil had spent the evening dining with his household. Elladan, Elrohir and some of the others had been sharing funny stories about her childhood in Imladris. Alethris endured their tales graciously. But when Elrond asked if she would like to see her old chamber, she readily accepted. Elrond smiled reassuringly as they walked along the corridor together. "I hope your brothers did not embarrass you too much."

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