Chapter Thirty: Dolenbar

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 "Call yourself an Elf King, you can't even keep your Queen under control,"

First light crept up over the north downs and the silhouette of a ruined city bearing a resemblance to the bones of a felled dragon could be seen in the far distance, its walls long since crumbled. The party came to a halt by some old burial mounds. "Fornost, last city of Artherdain and of the Dúnedain, till the Witch King captured it. Now this area is called Deadman's Dyke," said Elladan as he looked towards the ruins.

"It shall be rebuilt and reborn someday, but for now, our mission is to bring the Dúnedain of the north together and return to Annúminas," said Márafea.

"You think they will just pack up and follow you, Vice Regent. With all due respect, you may have been able to convince the Bree landers of your credentials. But as far as the Dúnedain are concerned, you were raised in the luxury of Rivendell. A pampered and spoiled princess, none will know of your captivity or years in Mirkwood. You will have to prove yourself to them, as King Elessar did. It will take more than executing a prisoner to convince them," said Haleth.

Márafea turned to her, "And are you convinced of my credentials, Wardress?" asked Márafea.

"I owe you my life, Vice Regent," replied Haleth.

Márafea smiled, "Perhaps you would speak on my behalf."

Haleth nodded, "But my voice carries little weight. There are others you must convince, some who knew your father. Beren was well known in these parts, well respected. My father would have him as a guest from time to time. I was barely four years old when the massacre happened, there was a rumour you had survived but, we did not know for sure until messengers returned from Gondor at the end of the war."

Márafea scanned the horizon, "Your home in Dolenbar, how do we get there?"

Haleth laughed, "You are already here, Vice Regent," she said.

"I see no man houses," said Glendi. Some of the other Dwarves murmured in agreement. Haleth motioned them all to be silent, then made animal calls into the fast greying skies. They waited, the only sound coming from the horses. Then, in the faint distance, another set of animal calls were heard as if in response. Haleth drew out a strange looking horn from under her cloak, then blew one long sound upon it. The horn gave an eerie sound, as if it were a wail rather than a horn blast. At the sound, three torches appeared from behind one of the barrows. One then moved to the top of the barrow, carried by the silhouette of a hooded man.

Haleth lit her torch and waved it in the man's direction, who waved his own in reply. "Vice Regent, you have the seal?" whispered Haleth. Márafea nodded, "Come with me."

"You are going to obey her orders?" Thranduil enquired.

"We are on her lands now, the Dúnedain of the north are the most secretive of our people, they have had to be," replied Márafea.

"Even so, I do not like the idea of you being on your own, there is danger here, I feel it," said Thranduil.

Márafea smiled. "come to me at the first sign of trouble, mime melda," she whispered. Márafea and Haleth dismounted, then walked over to the waiting figure. He remained hooded as they approached. When they reached the figure, he shone his torch in the Márafea's face, blinding her for a second.

"Saw those eyes a mile off. You should have blindfolded her Haleth, our enemies could have seen them too," he said gruffly.

Márafea glared at him, "Who are you to make such a demand? Do you not know who I am?"

"Ronil, allow me to introduce Queen Márafea, Vice Regent of Arnor," said Haleth.

Ronil laughed from under his hood, "So good King Elessar sends a mere slip of a girl to our aid,"

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