Chapter Thirty Four: A New Dawn

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"they are coming," 

Márafea ran out into the courtyard, ignoring Thranduil's screams for her to return. The Troll had completely broken through and was heading towards the Dwarves who were defending their injured comrades against the Orcs, who were now pouring through the barricade and cutting them off from escape. Thranduil came running to her side, "What are you doing? You cannot take on that thing by yourself!"

"I must lead them away from the Dwarves! Trust me, I know what I am doing!" replied Márafea. She kissed him, revealed her radiance, and ran off towards the great beast. Thranduil called after her in despair.

"Keep yourself safe, Mime Melda, for Nínimiel's sake!" The troll continued bringing its makeshift club down onto anything that moved. On seeing Márafea in her radiant form, it changed direction and advanced upon her, attempting to crush her with its weapon. The ground shuddered as the Márafea dodged the troll's continued attack. "Protect the Queen!" shouted Thranduil to the archers as he fought his way through the Orcs. A slew of Elven arrows landed in the Troll's torso. But rather than slow the beast, it only angered it further. It growled as it tore out the arrows as if they were little more than bee stings, then took a swipe at the archers, narrowly missing them.

Márafea's silver eyes filled with fiery rage, "lendeo sina sinome!" she shouted. The Orcs shrank back in fear, but the Troll took another step towards her, taking another swipe at Márafea with the tree trunk, but again she avoided it. In the distance, she could see that Thranduil and the others had broken through the Orcs and were assisting the stranded Dwarves to retreat to the safety of the King's house. The trunk came down again, missing her by inches this time. "Stand back!" she ordered the Elven archers.

"We must protect you, my Lady Queen," called their captain.

"That is an order, captain! Retreat, for I do not wish to cause you harm," called Márafea. The captain nodded and gave the orders for the archers to retreat to the King's house. Now the Troll was almost on top of her, Thranduil watched in horror as it loomed over Márafea, club raised and poised to strike.

"Not again, Elbereth," he whispered, and closed his eyes.

"LENDE SINA SINOME!" she screamed before stamping on the ground beneath her. The ground shook and the walls surrounding the King's House crumbled to the ground.

"That's not Sindarin," said Ronil.

"No, it is Quenya, the language of the divine, few speak it now," replied Thranduil. He opened his eyes, fixing his gaze upon Márafea.

"The Vice Regent, she is glowing like the High Elves, and her hair is like a great flame of silver. How did the walls crumble like that? Is she a sorceress? Like the Dwarves say?" asked Ronil.

"No, but Queen has sacred blood in her veins, she is unique. I only hope it will help her now," replied Thranduil.

Stones fell upon some of the remaining Orcs, killing them instantly. The rest ran away in terror. The Troll was knocked off its feet, dazed long enough for the Dwarves to seize the opportunity, rush in and set upon it with their axes. As the Dwarves finished off, the troll, Men and Elves poured out the King's house chasing after retreating the Orcs and finishing them off as the first light of the day appeared in the eastern sky. Márafea sank to her knees, spread her hands upon the ground and wept. She felt Thranduil's hand upon her shoulder, "You have turned the tide Mime Melda, it is almost sunrise. Why do you weep?" he asked.

She looked up at him, her hands still upon the ground, "alas it is not enough, my will is all spent. Those who sent the creatures, are coming. I feel them marching through my fingers, they sent the creatures to weaken us, men, from the hills," she whispered. Márafea's radiance diminished as Thranduil helped her to her feet, she looked up toward the surrounding hills. "They are coming," she whispered before collapsing into his arms. Thranduil looked up at the hills, his heart sank as in the half light, his elf sight saw a large army of men armed with spears and arrows poised to strike. He carried Márafea back into the King's house.

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