Chapter Thirty Five: The Unexpected Visitors

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"I've heard about goings on in the old city,"

The Dúnedain set about securing the reclaimed city of Annúminas. Their families, led by Wardress Haleth, left Bree and marched northward, singing as they caught the first glance of their new home. Along with them, the royal household of the Regents, who erected the royal Pavillion on the shores of Lake Evendim. The Dúnedain and set up tents throughout the city as they cleared and rebuilt the ruins. The Dwarves, who had been handsomely paid, returned shortly after burying their dead with even more of their Kinfolk, to assist in rebuilding the city. They took up residence in the King's House to begin its restoration.

They held the Hillmen prisoners in the cellars below the King's House. But Márafea took charge of the women and children who were kept in what was once the Throne room of the King's house. She ordered their bonds released and set about attending to their needs. Arranging for food and drink, healers to tend to the old and sick as well as bedding and clothing distributed. She visited the male prisoners and listened to their concerns, offering comfort and reassuring them that King Elessar was a good and kind ruler, who would treat them fairly. Then she wrote to King Elessar, telling him everything she had learned from the Hillmen and asking for mercy on their behalf. Soon enough, King Elessar's edict arrived.

The edict proclaimed that upon the question of Stewardship, Wardress Haleth could not take the seal itself, but it would not pass from her line. The Stewardship of Annúminas would instead pass to her betrothed, Borion, and gave special leave for them to wed before Haleth's coming of age. The Dwarves of the Blue mountains were not only awarded contracts to help with the rebuilding, but honorary citizenship of Arnor. To the Hillmen, he granted them pardon, offering farmland, protection and citizenship in exchange for swearing fealty to him and the Kingdom. For those that would not, exile, they would have to leave the Kingdom never to return. Few chose the latter, preferring to subject themselves to Good King Elessar than the hardship of exile.


Borion took a deep breath as he looked at himself in the Elven mirror wearing the silver-grey robes of the Steward. Gurunam stood behind him and laughed, "It suits you," he said, patting him on the back.

"It is going to take some getting used to," said Borion. "What, becoming Steward or wedding Haleth?" asked Gurunam.

Borion smiled nervously, "Both." He adjusted his sword belt and his chain. "long have I dreamed of this day, but I even I never imagined it would be like this." His mind turned to thoughts of his father, mother and sisters. "I wish my family were here." They both stood in silence for a moment, picked up their goblets and made a toast to their departed kin. "It is strange how life has turned out. Once I was getting a bloody nose off Lady Anberenien, now she is Vice Regent of Arnor and giving me the Stewardship of Annúminas."

"What was she like? As a child?" asked Gurunam.

Borion smiled, "I was six years old when the Lord and Lady brought her back from Rivendell. There was a three day feast to celebrate, the Lord finally had an heir as the Lady, who was feared to be barren, had her much longed for child. But as she grew, people thought her strange. Her eyes shone like that of Elves. When mother tried to wean her, meat made her sick, but no other illness afflicted her. She was also stronger than other children, which I learned at my cost. It did not surprise me she was wed to an Elf. I do not think a man could wed one such as she."

"Agreed Borion, and yet our Vice Regent says we are the future of Arnor and our children shall grow in its greatness."

Borion laughed. "I will remind you of that when you take a wife. Perhaps you will find a pretty girl in Bree." They both laughed, then embraced.

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