Chapter Twelve: Thurindaer

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"I thought I heard raised voices"

"Where are you going at this hour, Princess?" asked the guard.

"I am going to visit my father in the guest house," replied Anberenien.

"It seems a little late for visiting, and did you not visit last night?"

Anberenien glared at him. "What business is it of yours how I spend my time? You are here to guard my apartment, not to prevent me from leaving it. I have Thurindaer with me. I will be perfectly safe!"

Both guards on the door appeared to be stifling some amusement. "Of course, princess, have a pleasant evening." The guards saluted her, but as she and Thurindaer walked away, she was sure they were sniggering behind them. Then one of them whistled a tune but stopped when Anberenien turned her head back towards them.

"I cannot take much more of this place," whispered Anberenien as they descended the marble staircase.

"We must endure," replied Thurindaer. They walked silently through the entrance hall and into the main courtyard. Both of them pulled their hoods further over their faces as they crossed the lamplit square. First, they made their way toward the guesthouses. But as soon as they were out of sight of the palace guards, they made an abrupt turn. Keeping to the shadows, they made their way down the steps to the fifth tier, passing the royal stables without notice before reaching their destination. There were fewer lamps in the gardens of the houses of healing, giving them more cover until they reached the darkened corner of the garden.

Here they could unleash their passions for a short while. As his lips found hers, she longed to pull down his hood and run her fingers down his hair but restrained herself for fear they would be discovered. "Do we have to endure this?" she breathed.

"Yes, but at least we can remain together this way."

"I have decided not to return to Minas Tirith when we reach Edoras for the funeral. I will be of age by then. Arwen intends to remain there when Elessar goes to Isengard. It will be easier for us to slip away there and go home. We will no longer be in Gondor. It will be the perfect opportunity to leave."

"Whether or not you are of age, it is still a risk Thorwen, Rohan is allied to Gondor. We would be quickly apprehended and brought back to King Elessar. What will become of us then? No, it is wiser to wait until Elessar names the date of our wedding."

Anberenien felt desperate. What if Thranduil was changing his mind? What if he disappeared one day and returned to the woodland realm, leaving her stranded in this dreadful city? They hated her here; she was sure of it. Elweth had arranged for more Gondorian servants to attend the apartment. This meant that she and Thurindaer could no longer have moments alone together, so they had resorted to coming to the gardens at night."What if he never does? He will not even discuss it with me."

"Of course, he will not discuss it with you, but when I arrive, he will have to name a day. I also have plans for Edoras. By the time we arrive, my encampment will be en route to Rohan. Thurindaer shall slip away unnoticed, then King Thranduil shall arrive at Edoras in all his Glory to claim his bride of course. Trust me, Thorwen, it will not be long now."

Anberenien breathed a sigh of relief. "I trust you, but Elessar....." Thurindaer put a finger to her lips.

"King Elessar is a wise and noble king. I have known him long before you were born into his world. He will honour our agreement. But a King's crown is also his burden, for his actions may have consequences for his people." They held each other in the darkness till they could delay no longer. Before retracing their steps back to the King's house.

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