Chapter Thirty Three: The Last Battle of Annúminas

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"Now it shall be reborn,"

Sun glinted upon Márafea's armour as she spoke, making her appear more like a star than a woman. As she stood upon a rocky outcrop, Men and Elves looked up in admiration. "We must avoid the bounds of the Shire at all costs. King Elessar gave strict orders that the Shire and its residents must remain untroubled. We have a hard day's march ahead of us, though some of you look like you need it," she said, glancing at some of the more portly among them. To which one replied he could keep marching long after Márafea had grown weary. "You are probably right sir, but I will do my best to keep up the pace," she replied to which all present gave a hearty laugh. "The time has come, at last, no more shall the Dúnedain hide in the shadows and the tombs of our ancestors! It is time to go home, to take back the city of our forefathers, to live in the sun once again!" declared Márafea.

Those present cheered loudly, calling her name, King Elessar and even Elendil. Thranduil stood proudly at her side. The prickly princess found in his forest had become the queen she was born to be. Then, over the cheering men, he heard another sound. Far in the distance, rushing through his mind and flowing out of his ears. A sound he had long forgotten, the sound of the sea. With a shake of the head, he composed himself, burying the sea longing far within him again. "Are you well, Thurindaer, Mime Melda?" whispered Márafea.

Thranduil looked into her eyes and smiled. "Never felt better," he replied.


A bird landed upon the King's tent, noisily waking Márafea from her slumber. It had not been the most comfortable night of sleep. They had arrived at the Baranduin a few days before, setting up a battle camp. Realising Thranduil was already up, she left her bedroll and went outside. There, she found a bowl of water to wash her face and hands. Having done so, she went back into her tent, dressing in her Elven travelling clothes before exiting again.

"Ah, my Lady Queen has deemed it fit to rise and join us," said Thranduil as he strode towards her.

"Mae Govannen my Lord King, The bird woke me, did it bring news from the advance party?" asked Márafea.

"All in good time, first breakfast," said Thranduil. The two of them joined the Huscarls, who served them each with a large bowl of porridge.

"The bird, what news?" asked Márafea.

Thranduil put his bowl down and smiled, "Your brothers are fine, they have been able to determine the numbers of Orcs and creatures still present in the ruins of the city. There are not too many in number, our army should make short work of them."

"That is good news indeed, when do we leave?" said Márafea.

"We will decide that once we have held counsel with the Elders," said Thranduil.


One elder carefully laid out a map of Annúminas upon a central table as the council gathered. It was made from sheepskin, old and faded, yet lovingly maintained. "Been in my family for generations, never thought I'd ever see it used again. I doubt many of these buildings still stand, but perhaps it might help to get our bearings when we enter the city," he said.

"Do we know how many Orcs and creatures wander the ruins?" asked Márafea.

"Elladan's report says the advance party has contacted a small band of Rangers known as the Guardians of Annúminas. They have told him Orcs are few in number, but now that the Dark Lord has gone, madness has taken hold of many. They scavenge the city for what little prey they can find sometimes turning upon each other, they should be easy to dispatch. However, they speak of wild animals and flying creatures that have taken up residence and will need to be cleared in order to secure the city. Elladan and his company have set up camp on the shores of Lake Evendim near the King's house about here," said Thranduil. He pointed to the place on the map labelled King's summer house. He then placed stones at various points on the map. "We are here, the camp is approximately here, hills surround the south side of the city, but there is the old city road it follows the Baraduin, then tails off into the city. We could always follow the route of the advance party and go upstream along the Baraduin," he said.

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