Chapter Forty Four: Mithlond

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"Wherever we go, we still share the sky with those we love."

Many had already left for Woody End in preceding days, leaving only a handful assembled in the Hall of Fire. All were silent as Elladan spoke. "Last night we held the final great feast in this very hall and it almost felt as if the Eldar days were with us once again. But now the time has come for us to leave Imladris and for the fire to be extinguished." At this, the Elves sang a lament for Imladris as Elladan and Elrohir spoke words over the fire, it slowly dimmed and went out. The hall now felt deathly cold, even though it was almost midsummer.

"The time has come to depart this place farewell Imladris we shall not forget you," said Elrohir. The Elves continued their lament as they mounted their rides and took the track that led up to the Great East road. Before they entered mists, Márafea looked behind, and it seemed to her Imladris was crumbling before her eyes, its heart now well and truly broken.

After many days of travel, they, at last, reached Woody End. They had avoided Bree; it had grown into a vast town over the years and even hobbits no longer lived there. Márafea and Thranduil rested for a few days before they took the road northward to Annúminas, Celeborn, Glorfindel, Elladan and Elrohir going with them. The city was now a thriving metropolis, no signs of the ruin it had once been. At the great Gates of the King's house, King Glórinbróg and Queen Silmariën of Arnor greeted their Elven kinsman most warmly. And Márafea passed the Dúnedain Book of Lineage to her grandson.

He was a fine looking man, well built, with cold blue eyes and long golden curls hung that around his shoulders. He wore a modest crown upon his head with the Dúnedain star of his Great Grandfather fixed in its centre. His young wife Queen Silmariën resembled her grandmother Queen Arwen and their two year old twins, a girl and boy, were the image of their father. Once the names of the Arnorian royal family were written into the Book of Lineage, the King took it with great ceremony to the Hall of records. There it was housed with great reverence, only removed when a birth marriage or death took place in the Arnorian Royal family so that names and dates could be written into it. Finally, Thranduil and Márafea paid their respects to Lord Borion and Lady Haleth now old and grey but still in good health.  Then with great sadness, it was time for the Elven company to continue the journey westward, to Mithlond.


Legolas carried his little daughter Mírien in his arms, whilst his son Thranion ran up and down along the edge of the Balcony of the roof garden. He nervously looked out at the Ithilien countryside before him. "She should be here by now," he whispered to himself. Óliel came out from the house, "Melleth Nin, is there any sign of her yet?"

Legolas shook his head, "No, and it is not like Mithlothiel to be late, she loves to visit, something is wrong." They heard a birds call in the distance, Legolas looked across the landscape. "Ada, look a messenger bird, from Gondor!" called Thranion. 

Legolas came to Óliel, "Here, take Mírien while I receive it." He handed the infant to Óliel, stretching out his hand as the bird came into view. Giving its call as it landed gently onto his arm. "Hail there friend, I bid you welcome what news do you bring from the King?"

He gently took the parchment from the leg of the bird unravelled it. His face paling as he read, "Mithlothiel is missing. She slipped away from the escort that was accompanying her to Ithilien. They believe she is heading North."

"But why would she do such a thing?" asked Óliel.

"Other than to see Father and Márafea, I cannot see any other reason, but surely she would take an escort with her if she were travelling north. I must find her Melleth Nin. I will form a search party, then travel north. I do not know when I will return," replied Legolas.

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