Chapter Thirty Eight: The First Adventure

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 "if it were not for your eyes, I would have said you were the perfect image of your mother at this age,"

"Elessar is coming to Imladris?" asked Legolas.

"The whole family is coming, King Elessar means to rest there for a month before travelling north to inspect the rebuilding work. He means to reside in Annúminas for the summer months, now that work on the King's house is complete," said Thranduil.

"Prince Eldarion will be coming with his parents, so we thought we would bring the children too. It will be an adventure for them," said Márafea.

"That sounds like a great idea. I should like to accompany you, there is much I wish to discuss with Elessar on my future plans," said Legolas.

"And I thought you would enjoy some time without the company of your sisters. But Celephinniel is perfectly capable of running things here," said Thranduil.

Nínimiel listened with growing excitement, the only place she had ever visited was Dale with her family on shopping trips. Now she was finally going to travel to the north where her parents spent their summers governing Arnor and meet her uncle, the High King Elessar who lived in the southern Kingdom of Gondor. That night Nínimiel lay in her bed unable to sleep, but when she finally did the sea dream came again but there was more. She saw her parents sailing away on a white ship, her mother was weeping, her tears falling into the sea, making it uncalm. When Nínimiel tried to reach out to them, the waves swept the boat away into the sunset.


It was a warm May evening as the Elven party arrived at Rivendell. Nínimiel's little sisters rested in the carriage with the nurses. Whilst she had ridden alongside her brother on her horse Gilroch, she was a dark grey horse with a white star, like her father Dulgilroch, her mother's horse. Dulgilroch had fathered several fine stallions but Gilroch was his only mare, her father had chosen her for her calm nature and Nínimiel had bonded with her immediately. As she dismounted, Nínimiel looked up at the ancient looking house surrounded by overgrown ruins.

"Our dwelling is at the top by the Pinewoods, I used to play there as a child," said Márafea.

"That is not all you used to do up there, so I'm told," said a voice. Nínimiel looked up to see a grey haired man embracing her mother. "It is good to see you after all these years, you haven't aged a day despite that silver hair of yours, Anberenien," he said.

Márafea laughed, "It is years since and has anyone called me that." Nínimiel looked at her with a confused expression. Márafea smiled, "It is the name of my childhood, the one my mortal father gave me." She turned back to the old man. "King Elessar, my dear royal brother, allow me to introduce to you my eldest daughter, Princess Nínimiel. The twins are in the carriage. We thought it best not to wake them."

King Elessar embraced her, "I am pleased to meet you Princess Nínimiel, how old are you now?" he asked.

"I am fifteen, Your Grace," replied Nínimiel nervously.

King Elessar smiled, "You only need to call me that when we are on official business, here you may call me uncle Elessar." He embraced and clasped Thranduil's hand and looked at Nínimiel. "She is growing into a fine young woman, the image of her mother." He then embraced Legolas, "I am so pleased that you have come, I hear you are often a visitor of East Lórien."

Legolas blushed slightly. "I would prefer to discuss that later."

Elessar laughed and patted him on the back. "Very well old friend, but I expect you to tell me everything about her."

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