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"When a song or story ends it is not really the end, just the beginning of a new one."

The bells tolled at the port of Avallónë, alerting the inhabitants of an approaching ship. At the quayside stood a figure with long white hair clad in grey robes. His ageless face looked up at the approaching ship and smiled. "She is home," he whispered to himself.

Elrond approached him. "Olorin, I see you are here early."

Olorin chuckled, "I think you know me well enough by now, Elrond."

Galadriel and Celebrian arrived arm in arm, "today our family is reunited," said Galadriel.

"I see Frodo is not with you," said Olorin.

"He is resting, his days grow short," replied Celebrian.

Olorin looked thoughtful, "Then I shall come to him."

"He will be very pleased to see Olorin," said Celebrian.

The ship was now close enough to see its passengers assembled on the deck. Olorin looked up and smiled, "Well I never, Master Gardener is with them."

"Look, Ontáro is here and my boys too," cried Celebrian excitedly.

Galadriel closed her eyes and smiled, "Welcome home, Mime Melda," she whispered.

Elrond looked again at the arriving ship and held Celebrian's hand. "Thorwen and Thranduil are among them."

Celebrian smiled and looked at him. "To be raised among Elves is one thing, to become one is another. She will be afraid and will need her family." Elrond looked into her eyes and kissed her. The ship slowly sailed into port and the Gangplank lowered. First to disembark was Celeborn, who threw himself into Galadriel's arms.

"Never shall be sundered again, Mime Melda." His eyes filled with joy as he embraced Celebrian. "You are restored Melda Iel."

"I am Melda Ontáro, welcome home." Elrond's sons came down the gangplank and embraced their mother and father. "My sons are returned to me at last!" cried Celebrian.

A member of the ship's crew assisted Sam down the gangplank as Olorin came to meet him. "Welcome Master Gardner, I am sorry Frodo could not meet with you. You will have to endure my company instead."

Sam laughed, "Gandalf! I know it is you, but you look somewhat different, but then you are not the only one."

"I hear the journey west was, eventful,"

"Aye it was, but all is well now," He glanced up at the passengers still on board, then turned back to Olorin. "Where is Frodo? Is he well? Is Bilbo still here?" asked Sam.

Olorin smiled sadly, "My dear Sam, Bilbo passed from us some time ago and Frodo, his days grow short now."

Sam nodded thoughtfully, "Then I have come just in time."

"I think he will be much comforted by your presence," replied Olorin.

Thorwen looked at the sea of faces on the Quayside, then back up at Thranduil. "I am afraid," she whispered.

"That does not sound like you, Mime Melda. You have fought with Orcs, Men, Priests, a Troll, and even a Nazgul or two. Now you say you are afraid? What happened to my brave warrioress?"

"But this is very different, I was of the divine then. Now I am..... "

Thranduil looked deeply into her bright grey eyes, "You are my beloved, nothing else matters."

Glorfindel placed a hand upon her shoulder. "Do you remember what you told me the day I was restored?"

"I remember everything now. My memories are all that remain of what I was," replied Thorwen.

"You told me the first step would be the hardest, that every step after would become easier until all my fears were no more."

Thorwen smiled, "Yes, I remember, I was with you when you woke in your new body in Lorien."

"And now I am here for you as you take your first steps as an Elf. When a song or story ends, it is not really the end, just the beginning of a new one." Glorfindel kissed her forehead, then placed his hand upon the golden flower brooch upon her chest. "I would have you call me kinsman and brother. That I may call you sister oh gracious lady, for we share a bond like no other."

Thorwen smiled, placed her hand in his and nodded. "I could not be more proud than to be known as the sister of the great Glorfindel."

Thranduil looked down at the Quayside, "They are waiting for you," he whispered. Thorwen smiled at him nervously, "shall we?" he said, holding out his hand. Thorwen took it and Thranduil led her down the gangplank while Glorfindel looked on. The first pair of eyes that met Thorwen's belonged to Elrond, and they both threw their arms around each other, weeping.

"I am sorry, I am not Arwen," cried Thorwen.

Elrond held her face, smiling through his tears. "You do not need to be Arwen for me to love you. She made her choice as you have made yours. You are an Elf now, yet my blood has always run through your veins. But our bond of kinship goes deeper still." He gently placed a hand upon her head. "Great blessings be upon you, my daughter. For all will know you are my child. Your Father name is Miranniel, a name I kept hidden to myself from the day of your birth at Rivendell. Now, at last, I may speak it openly. You are as a precious gift to us as you were to your mortal parents." He then removed his hand and kissed her upon the forehead, then he placed her hands in Celebrian's.

Celebrian smiled reassuringly and stoked Thorwen's hair, "I could not be the mother of your raising, but I am your mother now and you are as much my child as if I had birthed you myself. I named your sister Arwen, Undómiel the Evenstar, but you came from the West and have returned us. I name you Elennúmene, for you are the Western Star and give you a mother's blessing." Celebrian kissed her upon the forehead and they fell into each other's arms.

Elrond clasped Thranduil's hand. "I thank you for bringing Miranniel home, Good Son."

"The journey was, eventful, to say the least," replied Thranduil.

"I think you will find things are more settled here."

Thranduil observed Miranniel as she greeted Galadriel, "Good, it is time Thorwen and I had a little peace."

"Miranniel, my dear cousin," said Olorin as they embraced.

"Olorin, you are here, but I am no longer of the divine now."

Olorin winked, "Oh you don't get rid of me that easily, you may be an Elf now, but the bond to your Maia kin is by no means diminished, family is still family."

Miranniel smiled, "My family grows larger by the day."  

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