Chapter Twenty Six: The Vice Regent

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"Do you ever regret sending your family away?"

Music and laughter echoed from the Hall of Fire as Alethris wandered into Elrond's study. The single candle which provided her only light, cast strange shadows across the chamber. As she touched every wall and shelf still full to the brim with scrolls, Alethris could still feel Elrond's presence, as if he had just left the chamber and would return at any moment. As the moonlight shone through the stained glass, making coloured shadows on the floor. She could see the rain cascading down the panes. It had not stopped raining since their arrival a few days ago, almost as if Rivendell was still mourning the departure of its founder.

Her memories flowed through her as she closed her eyes. She could almost hear her father's voice and soft laughter. If only she could open her eyes and everything could be as it was. "Muinthel, I thought I'd find you here." Elrohir's voice brought Alethris back to her senses. She opened her eyes and saw him leaning against Elrond's desk.

"Elrohir, you startled me!"

"Apologies Almárie...... I often come here too. To think of Ada, it always feels as though part of him still lingers in this place."

Alethris pulled out one of the scrolls. "Perhaps it does. He wrote almost every tome in this chamber." She opened the scroll, smiling as she quickly skimmed it, then returned it to its place. "One of Bilbo's."

"Very fond of you was Bilbo."

"Yes, he used to call me his shiny young friend. I guess he saw me for who I truly was."

"That is not surprising. He found Sauron's ring after all."

"I hear Frodo went with them,"

"He did, his wounds lingered and Arwen offered him her place on the ship."

Alethris moved to one of the windows as the rain continued to batter it. "May they both be at peace," she whispered.

"And how is little Nínimiel? It must have been hard to leave her behind." 

Alethris took a deep breath as she tried to conceal her discomfort. "It was...... but as Thranduil reminded me, as Vice Regent of Arnor, I have a duty to my people. Nínimiel is safe and well cared for back at home, but there are other children in Arnor who are not so fortunate." She turned back to Elrohir. "Thousands of my people need help to reclaim their city, I cannot abandon them. One day, Nínimiel will grow up, wed and if she bears a son, he will become King of Arnor. I must watch over the Kingdom until then."

"You must miss her, though. I know I miss mine... they will all be grown by now."

"Do you ever regret sending your family away?"

Elrohir shook his head. "My only regret is that I cannot yet join them. But after what happened to my mother, I could not risk anything happening to my wife and children. Besides, I did not wish my mother to go across the sea alone. Now Ada and Grandmother are with them. My journey west will be all the sweeter."

Alethris smiled as she thought of Elrond, Galadriel and Olorin, now living in the bliss of Aman. She imagined Olorin would have resumed his ageless form and Elrond and Galadriel reunited with Celebrian. Alethris had heard much about her from both of them but often wondered what Celebrian would make of her. "Thorwen, there you are!" Thranduil's soft voice woke her from her thoughts and she turned to see him grinning at her from the doorway. "The hour is late Melleth nin and you have a council to run in the morning."

From the look on his face, she knew exactly what he was implying. Alethris smiled, blushing slightly as she took her leave of Elrohir. "I only hope this rain will clear before we journey to Bree."

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