Chapter Forty Three: Westward

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"I do believe that, of all my children, you are the wisest,"

Márafea sat beside Thranduil in the Throne room as he listened to Corwen and Celephinniel's report. She could feel the anger growing inside of him. "You mean to tell me Mellessil slipped past my guards while the queen and I were at rest!" he roared.

"She appears to have had help, my Lord King, several scouts those who were closest to the Princess are unaccounted for," said Corwen.

"That is not all, my Lord King. The armoury was broken into and several items were taken, including the Queen's Armour and weapons," said Celephinniel. Márafea looked at Thranduil in shock.

"She can't, she would not have...." Thranduil's voice trailed away.

"I fear she has planned this, she rarely comes down to the armoury to polish her armour. She has attendants for that kind of thing, she also asked about the blocked door which has been broken down. I thought nothing of it at the time but now I,"

Thranduil shook his head, "NO! I refuse to believe Mellessil orchestrated this. She has been misled and abducted. She must be found and brought home and those traitors brought before me for judgement! FIND HER! NOW! They cannot have gone far!"

Celephiniel and Corwen bowed, but before they could leave, Mithlothiel entered the chamber, a scroll gripped tightly in her shaking hand. "I am sorry Ada, she made me swear." Cautiously she approached the Throne, handing Thranduil the scroll, then stood next to her mother. He sat in silence, reading the words over and over in his mind and shaking his head. "How could she? How could she?" he got up and grabbed hold of Mithlothiel, shaking her. "What did you know of this? Why did you not tell me?" he roared into her terrified face.

"I know nothing, father I swear!" she cried.

"Leave her alone, can't you see she knows nothing of this!" Márafea put herself in between them. Thranduil stumbled slightly as he breathed his senses back into himself.

"I am sorry, Mithlothiel, forgive me," he stammered.

He looked at those gathered before him, "Go, now! All of you!"

"What of the Princess, my Lord King?" asked Corwen.

"Princess Mellessil has chosen her fate, we shall not speak of this again. Only 'The One' can help her now." In fury, he screwed up the scroll, throwing it into a nearby brazier. Then left the Throne room.


The trees in the Orchard hung heavy with fruit as Thranduil and Nínimiel walked arm in arm through the Orchard as two little boys weaved in and out of the trees, chasing each other. "Do you remember the great picnics we had here when you and the twins were little?"

"You and Nana always held a great picnic before you went away for the Summer and another when you returned that was always my favourite," replied Nínimiel.

Thranduil smiled, "yes, the times Legolas caught you climbing the trees with apples stashed in your skirts, your sisters waiting to catch more. We shall have one more Great Feast before we leave. It shall be like no other Men from Beorn, Dale, we shall invite even the Dwarves of Erebor. I shall miss Thorin most of all after we depart."

They both laughed for a moment, "What news from Gondor Ada, Mithlothiel writes often so Nana says."

"Ah yes, she enjoys her life in Minas Tirith and tells us of all the news of the court and what mischief the Princesses get up to."

Nínimiel then grew serious, "has there been any word? Of Mellessil, I know you have forbidden anyone to speak of what happened, but she is my sister."

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