Chapter Eighteen: The Long farewell

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" Fear not ancient friend, not all Men come with axes and saws, some will come with seeds and acorns," - Alethris

The Fortress of Hornburg loomed before the travellers, silhouetted against the night sky. As they drew nearer, Alethris noticed there was scaffolding still in place and tools left neatly by the workmen after a day's labour. "At least we get to sleep in a proper bed for the next couple of nights," said Sam as he rode beside her on his pony.

Alethris looked down at him."You grow weary of camping, Sam?"

"The Elven camp beds are very comfortable, but I miss my own bed."

"I can empathise with you, young Sam. There is nothing more I would like right now than to be in the peace of my chambers alone with my queen," said Thranduil.

"As would I, Melherven," replied Alethris.

"I long for the peace of the forest and for us to go riding as we used to, then disappear for days beneath the trees."

Alethris's braid swished as she laughed. "We never disappeared for days, Melleth Nin."

Thranduil smirked back at her and whispered. "We can now." Elessar led the way into the fortress where the travellers were greeted by Gamling the Captain of the Hornburg. He led them to the Great Mess Hall, which was a large stone built room with a high pitched wooden roof. It was furnished with long tables of worn oak and benches and its walls were decorated with shields, weapons and armour. At its centre was a large roaring hearth, its smoke escaping through the hole in the ceiling. There, a simple but welcome meal awaited the hungry travellers.

Thranduil and Alethris were lodged in the captain's chamber in the tower. It was a simply furnished room with a small bed. Thranduil insisted Alethris slept in the bed while he rested in the chair beside her. The next day, they toured the fortress with King Elessar and heard firsthand accounts of what had taken place during the War of the Ring. Thranduil remarked he had not seen Legolas at breakfast and Elessar informed him he and Gimli had gone on an excursion and would return by supper. Sure enough, the two of them had rejoined the company as they gathered in the mess hall that evening.

There was a mixture of Elven music, lighthearted chatter, and the faint whiff of pipe smoke wafting through the air. Alethris's mind floated back to her childhood days in the Great Hall of Duincar, with ranger's songs and Pappa Beren's stories. She scanned the room of mixed company. Rohirrim dined with Elves and Gondorians alike. King Elessar was deep in conversation with Gandalf and the hobbits. He looked up at her, smiled, and raised a hand in greeting. Legolas sat between Thranduil and Gimli but seemed quieter than usual.

"You seem a little distracted, Ionnin," said Thranduil.

"I have been to the Glittering Caves with Gimli today," replied Legolas.

"Oh? Was it all he said it would be?"

Gimli patted Legolas on the back and laughed."That and more, King Thranduil, it left him speechless."

"It was even more beautiful than the Elven Halls Ada," said Legolas. "However, Isengard beckons in the morning and from there we shall travel to Fangorn Forest as agreed."

Gimli downed the rest of his beer and wiped his beard with his hand. "Aye, that we shall."

The next morning the party departed the Fortress at Helm's Deep and made for Isengard. On the afternoon of the following day, they arrived at the great tower fortress. The impenetrable walls that had once surrounded it had been raised to the ground and in their place, many trees and a great lake, now surrounded the Tower of Orthanc. Here and there, huge creatures that looked more like walking trees wondered about the wooded fortress. Alethris guessed they must be the Ents Merry and Pippin had spoken of. As she looked up at the black stone tower, Gandalf laid a hand on her shoulder. "The Ents call it Treegarth now, I must admit I prefer the name."

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