Chapter Seventeen: Simbelmynë

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"I can come no further, another day is just delaying what must come,"

Thranduil and Alethris heard the slow beat of the single drum grow louder as the funeral procession drew closer. As it emerged from the woods, they and their company bowed their heads. When at last the possession was nearing its end, Thranduil signalled for the company to follow and the Wood Elves joined the end. The company made its way solemnly towards Edoras over the course of a week. Upon reaching their destination, the Wood Elves made an encampment outside of the city, as they had done previously. That evening, Thranduil and Alethris entered Edoras to attend the first of the high feasts in Meduseld and seated in places of honour. Eowyn congratulated them both as she served wine to the honoured guests. "I am sorry to have missed your wedding, but I had to prepare for my uncle's funeral."

Alethris thanked her, explaining that she would be needed in the North soon, so the Wedding had been arranged quickly."You have done a wonderful job with the preparations, King Theoden would be very proud of you. I am so happy to see you again, Eowyn, despite the solemnity of the occasion."

Eowyn then produced a silver chain with an enamelled pendant in the shape of a white horse. "Would you accept this small token? You told me once your grandmother had some Rohirrim blood. This was my mother's I would like you to have it, as a wedding gift."

"Thank you. It is beautiful," replied Alethris.

Three days of high feasting took place before the funeral. Thranduil and Alethris stood a little way from the ceremony, but close enough to observe. They buried King Theoden with much honour in a barrow along the road outside Edoras along with other ancient Kings. Anberenien saw Eowyn lead the female mourners in song and Merry sang a lament along with King Éomer and his riders. Once they had laid King Théoden to rest, all present returned to Meduseld for another high feast.

Towards the end of the feast, King Éomer called all to attention. First, he led a last toast to King Théoden, then announced the betrothal of his sister Eowyn to Prince Faramir of Ithilien and they plighted their troth before all present. Alethris thought back to her own betrothal. How beautiful it had been before the Orcs had attacked. She lifted one of her sleeves and shuddered. But Thranduil's hand squeezed hers in comfort and she steadied herself. She turned to him, looking up into her husband's loving eyes, and kissed him softly on the cheek. Then at last, when all was concluded, they congratulated the happy couple, bid their kinfolk and friends goodnight before retiring to the peace of their encampment.

The following day, Alethris met Eowyn at the paddocks as she visited Calithiliel. She had been behaving strangely, and Alethris was concerned about her. They noticed Eomer and Lothíriel in another paddock, examining horses together. One of her brothers standing awkwardly close by. Eowyn gave Alethris a knowing look, and they both laughed. Alethris then asked Eowyn what she thought of Lothíriel. "She is a plucky little thing, pretty and loves horses. I think my brother is rather smitten. And what is your opinion, Noble Queen?"

"She and her family were very kind and welcoming to me in Minas Tirith. Your brother will do well to wed Lady Lothíriel."

Eowyn tossed back her golden braid." Yes, I think you are right, they seemed well suited. And I would like Eomer to wed quickly after I leave for Ithilien. Faramir and I will also spend a lot of time in Minas Tirith. Did you enjoy your time in the great city?" Alethris was unsure how to respond. She had no love for Minas Tirith and suspected the feeling was mutual.

"It is a fine city indeed, but I miss the Woodland Realm. It is my home," she replied.

They both watched the horses grazing in the paddock. "There is Calithiliel in the Paddock with Firefoot. They look very well acquainted," said Eowyn.

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