Chapter Four: Familial Bonds

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"It is something I have suspected for a long time. Now I am convinced. But how such a thing could be? I am unsure. I take comfort that she wanders free in her beloved forest and does not stalk the dead marshes as a houseless wraith."- Thranduil

1st March/ Gwaeron 3019, The Garden of Remembrance

Thorwen had kept her distance from Thranduil and Calenamath while he recovered from his ordeal. She visited Calenamath's chambers once with Celephinniel, but only when Thranduil was present. It warmed her heart to see the brothers healing their relationship. To hear them laughing as they discussed their youthful escapades in Doriath. It had seemed to Thorwen that the dark cloud that had grown between them had lifted and she did not want to be responsible for any future ill will.

Now she received a summons from the king to meet him in the Garden of Remembrance at dusk. It was on the far side of the Royal Gardens and Thranduil seldom went there. But as she neared the entrance, Thorwen noticed the normally locked gate was slightly ajar. Gently, she pushed against the ornate metal, which swung open with ease. Like the rest of the Royal Gardens, red torches lit the way around grass paths and well-tended flowerbeds.

"Thranduil?" her whisper was caught upon the evening breeze and carried away down the path. But she received no reply. The Garden of Remembrance housed the memorials of the Royal family. Thorwen strolled along the pathway as nocturnal flowers bloomed in the half-light, giving the garden a dream-like appearance.

Turning a corner, Thorwen came face to face with a tall and imposing statue. Its crown was identical to Thranduil's summer crown and its robes and sword left her in no doubt it was the late King Oropher. Although the statue was at least a thousand years old, there were barely any signs of wear and tear. The King had a serene expression on his face, looking neither angry nor happy as Thorwen gazed into his lifeless eyes.

At the foot of the statue, was a plaque written in tengwar with the words:

Oropher, King of Greenwood the Great. A mighty warrior and a wise king. Brutally slain by the evil forces of the Dark Lord Sauron at the Battle of Dagorlad. Loving husband of Malfinniel, lady of Doriath and Queen of Greenwood the Great. Father of Thranduil, King of Greenwood the Great, Calenamath, Prince of Greenwood the Great, Eiliannel, Princess of Greenwood the Great and Grandfather of Legolas Crown Prince of Greenwood the Great.

May his time in Mandos be brief!

There was a plinth under the statue where the waxy remnants of candles remained. One lone candle still flickered in the evening air as it kept its solitary vigil. Drawing out a beeswax candle from the robes under her cloak, she set it down on the plinth. And taking out her flints, she struck them together, raising a spark to light the wick.

She looked back up at the face of Oropher and the additional light of her candle seemed to add some resemblance of life in his face. She bowed slightly and whispered that she would do her best to serve his son and his people. When she looked up at the old king again, Thorwen could not be sure if the faint smile on his lips was a trick of the light or something else.

A snigger from behind caught her attention. Thorwen smiled but did not turn around. "I wondered where you were."

She felt Thranduil's arms around her waist and his kiss upon her head. Chuckling, Thorwen leaned into him. "I thought it was time you met the rest of the family," Thranduil breathed into her ear.

She felt his soft lips caressing her neck making her tingle with excitement.

"Do you think your father would approve?"

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