Chapter Forty Five: The Straight Road

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"I feel a little strange like a great burden has been lifted from me,"

They gathered at the quayside as the sun was lowering in the sky, Thranduil, Márafea, Glorfindel, Celeborn, Elladan, Elrohir and Sam. Attendants were busy making the final preparations aboard the magnificent gleaming white ship before them, gently bobbing in the water. "Círdan has truly surpassed himself, with this vessel," said Glorfindel.

Thranduil held Márafea's hand tightly as if fearing she would run, but she did not resist and let him lead her to the jetty. First, to board were the attendants and crew, who then helped Sam up the gangplank. Then Celeborn, who did not look back but went to the prow of the ship his eyes fixed upon the setting sun. Next to board were the sons of Elrond, joining their grandfather on the prow.

"It is time, Gracious Lady," said Glorfindel, ushering them up onto the gangplank. But at that moment, Márafea heard a voice calling out behind her.

She turned to see Mithlothiel dismounting her horse and running towards them. "Ada! Nana! wait please!"

"I am sorry Gracious Lady you, must board," said Glorfindel firmly. Márafea released her hand from Thranduil's grasp.

"A moment, please," she cried, running towards her daughter before anyone could stop her. She held Mithlothiel tightly in her embrace. "You should not have come, my precious one, not to the sea. Your choice is your doom," she cried.

"I had to come, my dreams led me here. Take me with you, I am ready to go, please," she begged. Thranduil came and embraced them both. "My dear little Mithlothiel, your heart is so pure and true for this world. Of course, you can come if that is your wish."

But Círdan shook his head, "Alas Mithlothiel, daughter of Thranduil. Providence has brought you over many miles to be here at this moment. Your choice is made, but your time has not yet come. There is but one service the Valar asks of you." He produced a scroll from his robes, " The last ship is leaving Middle Earth from Mithlond, but there are yet more ships that will leave Middle Earth across the western sea. You must return to the south and pass this to your brother Legolas. It contains the plans and guidance on how the ships must be built. Many years it will take to build and when the ships are ready, there will be a place for you." he handed her the scroll.

"The Sun is low in the sky now, please you must board," insisted Glorfindel.

Then Márafea, through her tears, removed the ring from her finger and placed it upon Mithlothiel's. "This once belonged to your uncle and grandfather, who both were slain and await us in the far west. Keep it in memory of us and return it when you join us." Three large teardrops fell from her eyes into Mithlothiel's hand. Márafea closed her daughter's hand, and they both kissed her farewell. Then, hand in hand, they walked up the gangplank and stood at the stern in each other's arms. "Elviel, I call myself by my Mother name," called Mithlothiel. Her parents nodded through their tears as Glorfindel and Círdan boarded, "I shall not let you down!" she cried as the gangplank was pulled away.

The anchor was drawn up and the wind caught the sails. The ship pulled away into the sunset as Elviel waved farewell. She stayed until she could see the ship no longer, then opened her closed hand. There in her palm were three white gems in teardrop form. "mother's tears," she whispered.

Legolas dismounted his horse and ran to her, embracing her tightly. "Mithlothiel! sister, thank goodness we have found you, we were all so worried when you disappeared. It is not wise for one such as you to come to the sea."

Elviel showed Legolas the gems. "Ada and Nana are gone into the west, I saw them leave. Nana gave me her ring and these are made from her tears. I have made my choice Legolas, I am Elviel now and I have rejected the gift of men. Please, brother, I no longer wish to serve Queen Arwen or to remain in the realms of men. Let me come home with you, to Ithilien."

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