Chapter Twenty Four: The Crowning

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"There is so much I will teach you, even if our time together is short,"

Beorn Town reminded Alethris of Duincar, but on a much larger scale. Just outside the town, the Beorning's precious hives stood proudly on the approach and, as the host entered through the gates, Alethris noticed many of the buildings had bears and bees carved into the woodwork. There was a marketplace in the centre with a bakery, Mead house and a creamery close by.

Vilbeorn's Great Hall stood at the eastern edge of the town. It was twice as large as the Great Hall of Duincar and towered over the rest of the buildings. It too was a mass of carvings, of bees, bears, horses and other animals. Flags flew from the top of the Hall, grass green, with a bear holding a honeycomb and a bee flying around to it. Vilbeorn and his lady treated their guests with great honour. They had four children, the eldest of these was a boy of ten called Beornoric. He was charged with serving the guests' food, while his sister Isla served them drink. The host then rested in Beorn town a few days till a messenger arrived with news from Legolas that all was ready for Alethris's crowning.


Legolas surveyed his handy work at the foot of the Green Shield mountains, its former reputation now forgotten. Many lush green pines had sprung up across the range after the cleansing and looked like great green spears poised to strike in defence of the realm. There was a raised platform with two wooden thrones at the centre of a temporary arena filled with spectators. The queen's crown sat on a cushion in front of the platform. It was encrusted with pieces of Gimli's gem, the largest of which had been fixed to the front. Each piece of the gem reflected the colours of the rainbow as it caught both the light of the sun and moon. Like the King's crown, it was adorned with seasonal flowers. "Your father will be impressed, as will the Queen, my Lord Prince Regent," said Celephinniel.

"Today must go perfectly, nothing must be amiss," Legolas replied nervously. He noticed the Kings of Dale and Erebor with their kin sat together on one side of the platform while Elrond, his sons, Gandalf, Glorfindel and others from Elrond's house sitting on the other. Finally, there was space on either side for the host arriving with the King and Queen. Gandalf approached Legolas. "Everything is in order, I see."

"I hope so Mithrandir, this is a special day for my people." Legolas smiled as he heard music in the distance. "They are here!" He cried and gave a silent command. Some of the Wood Elves climbed into the trees, carrying baskets of flower petals, others waved bowers. Gandalf took his place by the pedestal as small Elflings and Beorning children alike climbed onto the shoulders of their parents to get a better view. When the drumbeats of the music drew nearer, Legolas ordered the heralds to sound a welcome.

Petals fell from the trees like rain as the Hurscarls were sighted, followed by the King, Queen and the rest of the host. Thranduil and Alethris were dressed in matching green gowns of the same fabric. The King with his crown upon his head and Alethris bareheaded, the breeze catching her long free flowing hair as she rode. Beornings and Wood Elves mingled, cheering together as they all welcomed the King and his Queen back home after an absence of a full sun year. They waved back at those who greeted them. Legolas and Celephinniel approached his father and Alethris as they dismounted.

They both bowed and exchanged greetings. "We have a surprise for you, my son," said Thranduil as he revealed his special guest. Legolas's heart leapt to see Óliel, and she was equally overjoyed. "I cannot believe you are really here. It is like a dream."

"I cannot believe the King invited me to stay for the summer."

"Óliel! I am so glad you are here. There is so much I wish to show you!"

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