Chapter Twenty Five: A Queen's duty

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"You are wise enough on your own, dear cousin, it is time for you to give counsel, not just to receive it,"

As Alethris looked at the little fingers that coiled around one of hers, she smiled and stroked the small mop of dark hair. Nínimiel had a more subtle point to her ears than her father's, but looked just like any other baby. As she cradled her little daughter, Alethris's heart was full to the brim. "This joy must have been the same as Melian felt when she birthed Lúthien."

She looked back at Elrond, who was sitting in the chair beside her bed. He stroked the baby's head as he smiled back. "It seems like no time had passed since you were a babe in my arms. Now the circle is complete. Many babes of Elves and Men have I seen into the world and I remember every single one. But Nínimiel, my granddaughter, is my last. The time of my departure draws near. Soon I shall leave Imladris forever. It is time for me to make the journey to Mithlond and pass into the west."

Even though she knew it was his time to leave, his words were hard to hear. "Shall I not see you again?"

Elrond's eyes grew moist as he clasped Alethris's hand. "Niniel Almárie, I do not wish to cause you sadness, but I shall have departed long before your next visit to Imladris."

Galadriel and Gandalf then entered the birthing chamber. "We came to see you before the birthing feast. The King and Legolas are busy welcoming the other guests," said Gandalf.

Galadriel came over to the bed and kissed Alethris on the forehead. "A thousand blessings upon you granddaughter at this auspicious time. I am pleased not to have missed it." She then kissed Nínimiel.

"Would you like to hold her, grandmother?"

"I thought you would never ask?" Galadriel gently picked up Nínimiel, rocking her gently in her arms.

Alethris slid Galadriel's ring off her finger. "You told me to return it to you at our next meeting."

"Yes, it is time. Thank you for keeping it safe for me." Galadriel gazed at Nínimiel and she cooed back at her, then hummed a lullaby. Soon the baby was sleeping, and she laid her in the cradle. Returning to the bed, Galadriel sat on the side and received the ring back from Alethris. Galadriel smiled sadly. "It is time for this ring and I to pass back across the sea. I have said my goodbyes to Lothlórien and shall be returning to Imladris with your father. I shall remain there until we travel to Mithlond."

"As will I," replied Gandalf.

"You are leaving too?" replied Alethris.

"My mission is complete, Almárie, Sauron is defeated and Elessar is on the throne. It is time for me to return."

Alethris's heart was close to breaking. "What will I do without you all? What if I need counsel?"

"There is your wise husband, to begin with. Elladan, Elrohir and Glorfindel will remain in Imladris and Celeborn in the south of Eryn Lasgalen. They will all assist you when you travel to Arnor," said Elrond.

Gandalf winked at her. "You are wise enough on your own, dear cousin. Perhaps it is time for you to give counsel, not just to receive it."

"You do not need us anymore. You are both a mother and a queen who will soon play a part in the rebuilding of Arnor," replied Galadriel.


Winter came and spring followed as Thranduil and Alethris delighted in little Nínimiel as she grew. But at a rate too fast for Thranduil's liking. On the first day of May, the entire realm celebrated as Legolas wed his beloved Óliel. At the festivities, Thranduil passed to his new daughter in Law the jewels that had once belonged to Legolas's mother.  Óliel accepted them with the grace and humility she was well renowned for. She and Legolas then left for their honey months in the summer palace and returned in time for Nínimiel's first birthday. With them came news that a little princeling was expected by the end of the following spring. Even though he was overjoyed at the thought of a grandson, Thranduil felt a change coming over the realm. Legolas had spoken of the sea longing before he had wed. A feeling Thranduil knew only too well. He had staunchly resisted its call for thousands of years. Yet since he had wed Thorwen, he had found it harder to ignore.

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