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"Where's bear?"Bun asked to Tine who was now getting ready.

"He went right after wat"He said and Bun frowned.

"Wat? You never called him that"she crossed her arms and he stayed still for a second and proceed with getting his bag ready.

"I-it accidentally slipped out. Whatever, I'm leaving now"Tine put on his cap and looked at her.

"Okay, take care"she said and he nodded and walked downstairs.


"SARAWAT , WATCH OUT"Coach yelled but too late, the football hit his head and he fall onto the ground......the hit was luckily not strong enough to make him go unconcious but it did hurt. Everyone crowded around him and Bear helped him sit up on the ground.

He got wound on his knees from falling and bear and coach help him get up.

"Are you okay Wat? What happened to you? you were so careless today. Look, take rest and clear your mind. You can watch others for today and continue practicing when you're alright"coach patted his shoulder and he nodded. He was a good player and coach had a special love and care for him like to his own child.

Bear treated his wound and sat next to him.

"Thanks"he mumbled and bear chuckled.

"..... are you okay?"Bear asked and Sarawat nodded and smiled.

"I am"he said but bear know he was lying. He was called by his teammates to join practice and Sarawat assured that he's fine and with help of some students who were just watching the practice, he went to the locker room to rest a bit.


"I thought you wouldn't come Tine"coach hugged his previous favourite student and Tine smiled.

"I'm happy to help sir"Tine bowed and he smiled.

"I really can't practice these kids for next 3days,so you have to help me with that. Be strict when it's needed"Coach said and Tine nodded.

"Sure sir"

"Go to the locker room and get ready, I'm leaving now"the coach hugged Tine and walked out from there.

Tine looked around and saw a familiar figure and noticed the boy noticed him too.....

"Bear?" And the boy ran to him.

"P'Tine, what are you doing here?"Bear asked panting from running and playing game.

"I thought you followed Sarawat"Tine furrowed his eyebrows and Bear sighed.

"Exactly that's why I'm here instead of in my room playing video games" Bear stated and looked at Tine.

"I had practice today and I planned to stay back and that's when Wat came for practice......I didn't wanted him to be alone......"

"I thought he lied to uncle and went out to some friends. Where's he?"

"He got a wound on his knees and is now resting in the locker room"Bear said and Tine's eyes widened a little and he quickly ran to the locker room leaving bear confused.

"When the last time I checked,they were fighting"he said to himself before running back to his teammates.


"Aish....."Sarawat mumbled quietly as he examined his wound. It wasn't deep but it has painful.

"I- I'm sorry"he heard and looked behind to see Tine standing there with his bag in his hands.

2GETHER TILL THE END[BOOK-3]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now