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"Jisoo, this is my dear boyfriend Chat"Bun grinned and looked at Chat and Jisoo who were staring at eachother with shock in their eyes.

Her heart started clenching and it hurt alot that her tears started brimming in her eyes.

Bun frowned.

"Soo-"suddenly Chat grabbed her hands and pulled her out of their quickly taking them by surprise.

Jessie and Katie stood up and went to Jisoo.

"What are you doing Chat?"Bun asked annoyed.

"I- I have to go"he said and she looked at him surprised.

"Are you being serious now? You promised to spend-"

"I'm sorry Bun, some other day, just you and me.....hmm? Please understand,this is urgent"He said and she nodded. He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry baby, I love you"he said and she nodded and sighed.

"Where's Jisoo?"Bun asked her friends as she went back to the table.

"She said she's on her periods and her stomach hurts too much, she went to restroom"Katie said.

"Where's your boyfriend?"

"He have something important to do. You guys order the food, I'll go check on Jisoo"Bun said and quickly went to the restroom.

She saw Jisoo standing with her body leaned on the wall as she sobbed, tear's streamed down her face.

"Soo are you okay?"Bun asked concerned and touched her shoulder,her body stiffened under Bun's touch as she backed off making Bun frown worriedly.

"Soo does it hurt too much? I have some medicine,if you want-"

"CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE? WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS BUGGING ME?"Jisoo suddenly outbursted and Bun flinched, her heart was hurting so bad.




"LEAVE ME ALONE ACHARA. I HATE YOU"Jisoo yelled and ran out of their pushing through a few people who came their hearing all the shoutings.

Bun looked down at her feet without knowing where she went wrong, she just know that Jisoo's words hurted her more than it should do. She even called her by her full name, which she never did ever since they met, not even once but today.

Tear's streamed down her cheeks without her realising and people stared at her for a while before going back, no one dared to go near her until two girls pushed through them and came to Bun.

"B-bun, why are you crying?"Jessie asked and just like she waited for someone to come to her, Bun wrapped her arms around Jessie as he cried on her shoulder. Both the friend's were worried seeing Jisoo running off and they came to check on Bun only to see her in the worst state of all since they met.

Jessie felt her heart hurting and Katie stroked Bun's hair softly.


"Why are you looking so down?"Sarawat asked to Tine after seeing him spacing out many times a day.

"I don't know, I just feel like something isn't right"Tine said.

"Huh? What isn't right? Did your parents called you? Is there something wrong-"

"No no.......... I'm just feeling uneasy.....maybe I should just sleep for now"Tine said and laid back on his bed as Sarawat stared at him.

"Are you sure you're fine?"he asked concerned and Tine nodded.

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