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"Let's take a break"Tine shouted to everyone on the students and ran to the bench were Sarawat was sitting.

"Here,"Wat gave him the bottle of cold water and Tine frowned and took the bottle.

"You're being nice to me from last three days, why?"Tine asked and Wat raised an eyebrow at him.

"Huh? You want me to fight with you all the time?"

"It's not that. But this is so unlike you........is there something you want me to do?" Tine sat on the bench.

"Ah me? No way. Why would I even need your hel-"

"Just tell me what it is. It's too obvious that you're lying"Tine said and Sarawat sighed.

"Take me to see mom"Sarawat said and Tine frowned.

"Uncle Ohm visit her everyday morning. Won't he take you there?"Tine asked and Sarawat shook his head.

"He only take us there once a week because whenever I go visit her I'll start to miss her more and dad is afraid if he take me everyday I'll lose my interest and concentration on study"He sighed.

"That's weird"Tine said.

"I know,right. But I miss her so much. If you promise to take me there everyday without dad knowing then I will..............I will do one thing you want me to do"he made a deal and Tine Chuckled.

"One thing? Isn't that I little less for the deal?"

"HEY IT'S NOT. I'm a nice boy and all but I don't usually listen to people all the time. So it's a luck to you. Ah let's say like this, you can ask me to do one thing anytime. I mean if you don't want to make use of this chance then you can use this chance anytime before I die"Sarawat said and Tine thought for a while.

"Promise?"Tine asked and Sarawat nodded.

"Pinky promise"

"And why would I believe you? You maybe change your words later"

"HEY I AM A NICE GUY AND YOU BETTER BELEIVE ME"Sarawat said a little loud and Tine smirked.

"Fine the , I'll do it.........keep your words in your mind"Tine agreed and Sarawat suddenly hugged him and Tine was shocked.

His heart skipped a beat and Tine pulled away.

"That's a deal now and btw.......you stinks"Sarawat said and stood up with a disgusted face expression and walked away leaving a shocked Tine behind.

"HEY Y-YOU DIDN'T HAD TO BE THAT RUDE"Tine shouted at his back and shook his head. What else he could expect from Prim's son?


"That's her favourite flower Sarawat pointed out and Tine went into the shop and brought the flowers and went back to him.


"........I hope you're fine there mom. I'm sorry again for disappointing you from time to time....... I'll be better, I love you mom.......I always do and will do until my last day.......I also miss you mom......... I'll visit you often from now"Sarawat smiled and stared at the grave and stood up, his eyes were filled with tears and he was more shocked to see Tine crying behind him.

"W-why are you crying?"Sarawat asked and Tine shook his head.

"S-she was a great woman..........she was so cheerful and happy around us.........if God give me a choice to choose between bringing back Aunt Prim and the whole wealth in this world........ I'll go for bringing back Aunt Prim"Tine looked at her name and Sarawat smiled a little.

2GETHER TILL THE END[BOOK-3]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now