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"Bun, you don't have to say anything more if it's about him. Like I said, I'm trying to move on like he did-"

"But he never said that-"

"His actions say"

"What do you mean?"

"Omg Bun I'm the happiest about him making his dreams come true and becoming a singer. But I want to move on from him-"

"Why do you have t-"

"Damn look at where he is and me, there's a big distance between us and look at him looking like whole package meal and I'm sure he's gonna make girls wait in long ass queue to even get a glimpse of him and he can find millions of better people than me and do you think that boy will still wait for me to go to him. Hell no, he'll find someone else and if I don't move on all I can do will be cry over him and lost myself again and no I don't want that. So this is for the best"Tine said and Bun shook her head.

"Do you know what? Talking to your insecure self is tiring that swimming seven sea's for whole seven times but I'm happy"


"Hell yeah, this is the first time you talked the longest in 4years and after 4years you raised you hand to punch someone. I'm happy"she said and his lips formed a thin line.

"So let's go for lunch together, we three together"she suggested and Tine shook his head.

"I don't-"

"Shut up, your eyes tell that you want to come with us so just do it"

"Whatever,but let's go for dinner. You parents are waiting for you ever since and they must be waiting to have lunch with you and it's not so nice of you to leave your lover and kid in your house alone on their first day"Tine said and Bun nodded.

"That's right, I'll come to pick you up with Wat. Gotta go, see ya later"she said and walked out of his room and he sighed.


"Do you really love my daughter?"Win sat opposite to Jisoo and stared deep into her eye's, the look was scary which made her gulp down in fear.

"I d-do"

"What if one day that idiot come back? Will you leave my daughter then?"

"N-no no......I would never do that"

"Good for you then. I don't want my baby to cry for anyone or anything and I never want her to be hurt. Don't think I'll let you get away if you hurt her, got it?"Win Asked and Jisoo nodded vigorously.

"I'll serve the lunch, come fast"Win said and walked to kitchen and Jisoo looked at Bright.

"Ah dear, don't take It to heart. Don't think that he hate you, he just......need a little, very little time. We care for our daughter very much and from now you too, but I warn both of you.....if you're to hurt each other, we'll be not soft anymore. Always trust and love eachother"Bright smiled at Jisoo and she nodded.

"Ah go to Bear and come down for lunch, I'll go help him"Bright said and Jisoo nodded and stood up.


They sat opposite to eachother but didn't made any eye contact. Sarawat was in awkward silence thinking how to start a convo whereas on the other side Tine was cursing Bun in his head for not coming with them and making both the boy's meet up alone.

"So she planned it? Did you know?"Tine asked and Sarawat's eye's widened and he shook his head.

"No no........I didn't knew.......but she called me and said this is a chance to build back the friendship we lost back then and be alright again........"Sarawat said and Tine raised his eyebrows.

2GETHER TILL THE END[BOOK-3]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now