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"should tell"

"Shouldn't tell"

"Should tell"

"Shouldn't tell"

Tine keep tearing of the pages of an old book unconciously as he kept thinking about if he should tell about him being a guy other's.

"Should tell" there goes another page .

"Shouldn't tell"and then the next.

"Should tell"and the next.

"Shoul- huh finished?"no more since the book is finished. He pouted and put his head on the table and stared outside through the window.

"Baby Tinee- OH MY GOD. WHAT'S IS THIS?"

Tine lifted his head and turned around to see his mom standing there shocked like she just saw a ghost.


She looked around her son's room. Clothes piled up, crumbled papers everywhere, messed bedsheets, and books on the floor, pillows above the nightstand and everything was messed up.

"Did a tornado made it's way through this room? Oh my god then why are you still here? Godddd what am I seeing?"she asked stressed out and she placed the glass of juice on the table and walked around the room.

"Ohh myyy....."she hold her forehead and sat next to Tine's chair.

"What's going on Tine baby? What happened? Did Bun and you fight?why is this room like this?"

"Mom I wanna tell you something"he hold her hands and she looked at him.

"What is it kid?"

"I......I think I'm........aish, how do I tell this?"he sighed and her eyes softened.

"Son..... you can tell me anything honey"she cupped his cheeks and he sighed.

"Mom......I think I'm.....g-gay"he said and she froze on her position with wide eyes staring at him.

"Y-you w-what? Are you r-really my son?"she asked in disbelief and he panicked.

"M-mom I'm sorry but d-don't hate me please-"he was cut off by her slapping his hands.

"Aish what are you talking? Why should I hate you?"She asked and he looked at her shocked.

"So Y-you don't hate me? D-don't you think gay are disgusting?"

"Don't talk like that sweetheart. They are also human beings, they totally have the right to go for what they love. In fact I'm happy that you didn't hide yourself out"she smiled and caressed his cheeks.

"Many people out there hide out their true selves and pretend to be like others will love him. And in the end what will happen? They'll just stress themselves out. We Can't force ourselves to love something. So you should go for what you love and don't hate anyone for that. You got that,son?" She asked and he nodded with a soft smile. She got up and took the glass of juice and handed it to him.

"I made this for my cute bunny boy. Drink it"she said and he giggled.

"So I can tell it to Bun right? Will she hate me?"

"You should tell her that baby, she's a nice girl and she'll understand you more than anyone else"she smiled and he nodded.

"That's right"

"Now drink it son. You need to look all handsome and healthy when you go back to univ after suspension"She said and he drink the juice and smiled at his mom.


"How're you feeling bun?"Sarawat asked as he looked at the marks of burns on her skin of neck and hand.

"Just hurts a little bit, don't worry"Bun smiled and he nodded.

"So you're not going to univ for next two weeks, right?"he asked and she nodded.

"That's right. Btw are you and Aria free tomorrow?"She asked and he thought for a bit.

"Yeah we are. Why?"

"Well, I would like to take you two to shopping tomorrow. Don't worry about uncle, I'll talk with him"she smiled and touched his nose making him shy.

"Okaayy bun"he grinned and she chuckled. Her phone started to ring and she looked at the caller id and frowned.

"Hello? Aaah oh my- I almost forgot it. No no, I don't want to owe to you. I'll meet you right away. Yeah wait there"she chuckled and cut the call.

"Wat baby, I'm going to meet up my friend okay. Be ready tomorrow, I'll pick you up"Bun said and he nodded. He went to kitchen to get a glass of water.


"Mom, I'm going to meet up my friend. Maybe I'll be late"Bun informed Win and he turned around.

"Is Tine coming with you?"

"No mom, he's-"

"Then you can't go"Win said sternly and Bun gasped.

"Mom but dad agreed"

"Bun, first of all you need rest-"

"The burn is not that bad or a lot visible"she defended and he shook his head.

"Still you can't go-"

"Sorry mom but this is urgent and a promised one. I'll return as fast as possible"Bun quickly said and ran out leaving Win and Sarawat confused.

"Aish that brat. Wat, my phone's on the table, call Tine"Win said and Sarawat went to get the phone.


"Aish it's just a coffee,you could've brought me one when you're fine"Drake pouted and Bun scoffed.

"Exactly, I'm perfectly fine now and I don't want to owe you even though you're my friend"she said and he grinned.

"So do you wanna go to anywhere with me today too?"he asked and Bun looked away and thought about what Tine told......

"No drake. It's fine, I think it's better to let it go"she said and he smiled.

"That's great to know Bun. You deserve better....... someone like me"Drake joked and she slapped his hand jokingly.

"Yaah cut it out"she giggled and he smiled.

They were chatting a little when someone patted her Shoulder and Drake looked behind and his eyes widened to see Chat,her ex.

"Huh?"she turned around and her eyes widened as she stood up fast. He smiled at her and she frowned.

"Who's this Bun?"he asked and she looked at Drake who was getting ready to fight Chat.

"W-why does it matter to you?"she asked back trying not to cry and he chuckled.

"Well, I don't think it's bad to feel jealous seeing the girl I love with one another man"he said and they both stared at him cluelessly.


I've been watching it over and over again and it's filling me up with excitement.......I can't wait for this to be released🥺

I don't know if I would be abled to watch it on the first days after release, but I really do hope and wish to watch it as soon as it's released.

Oh my🥺 I'm watching it 🤣 over and over again for days now and it still feels so new to me.......I can't explain my excitement in words but I hope that I could watch it anyways ❤️

😭😭😭😭😭I feel sooooo excited, someone help me🥺❤️my heart is beating so fast, awee🥺

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