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Lucas hold her tight and she cried on his shoulder.

"T-this is all my fault.......I gave my l-little b-baby false hopes-"she hiccuped.

"No Bun, stop blaming yourself-"

"Nuuu, I did wronggg"Bun sobbed and Lucas sighed.

"She's really drunk,Lucas. I'll take care of her"Jisoo said and Lucas looked at Bun who passed out in his arms.

"Felix?"he asked.

"Don't worry , he's sleeping with Jessie"she smiled and he nodded and placed Bun on the bed gently and was about to walk out when Jisoo hold his hand.

"Check up on the boy's please"

"I will" he said and she nodded and let go of his hand.


His played with the half heart pendant of the chain and stared at the notebook which was open on the table.

"I shouldn't have done that.....now how do I face him? M-maybe I should go back.......dad and princess will be waiting for me......."Sarawat sighed and removed the chain from his necklace and a tear slipped out of his eye's.

He put down the chain on table and closed the book and stood up.

Sometimes, we should have a fresh starting............. because life is full of surprises and not everything goes like we want it,unless it's meant to happen to us.......


"I- I d-don't really know why I d-did that.....i- I love him .......I really do......b-but I'm scared-"

"Scared of what Tine?"Lucas asked concerned to the crying boy in front of him.

"O-of people........most of the people hate g-gay people.......a-and h-he kissed me in front of everyone.......e-everyone w-would've hate him for it.......a-and I'm insecure......."Tine said and Lucas frowned.

"Insecure? Of what? Why?"

"Of you......of everyone around him......l-look at you, you're perfect. G-great football player, fit body, handsome-"

"But who's the one he love, Tine?"Lucas cut in and Tine looked up at him.

"Does it matter even if everyone around him is perfect but he only has his eyes for you. And who gave you the right to insecure, literally when he always praise you like you're the only beautiful thing existing in this world?. About people, who are they? Is it them or you going to live your life? You're the one in you're life, you have the right to be and choose. That boy was so obvious about loving you, he wasn't afraid a little bit about being obvious about that and see what you did, slap him? Go and talk to him Tine.......... he think you hate him now, don't let that boy suffer more than he already is. He's in his room,.........if you want to go and talk........."Lucas stood up but Tine looked down and sat there making Lucas sigh and leave.


Jisoo smiled a little as she tugged a strand of hair behind Bun's ear. She woke up a little early in the morning and Bun was still sleeping.

"You deserve better Bun.......m-maybe not me.......you gave me more than enough memories to cherish....... don't be surprised if I leaves you one day, it's for our good........b-but.......I lo-"

"BUN, JISOO-"Tine and Lucas came into the room running and Jisoo stood up.

"What is it guys?"

"Sarawat is not here"Lucas said and Tine was crying and Jisoo gasped.

"WHAT?"she asked shocked.

"He's not in his room and nothing's there, all of his stuffs are gone, except........" Lucas said and Tine fall on his knees.

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