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".......what?"Tine asked to his father as he couldn't believe what he just heard. His mom was shocked as well. Sure Tine wanted this from a very long time but now.......


Tine and Bun were back to uni after 2weeks suspension. As soon as Bun entered the class she was attacked by Sam hugging her tightly and jumping up and down excitedly.

"Awwww I missed you"she said and Bun Chuckled and hugged her back.

Bun saw one of their teacher's glaring at them from outside of the class.

"Sam,why don't we go to our seat and you can tell me what I've missed"Bun said and she lead her to their seat.

In the end both Tine's and Bun's that day at universe were all about Sam's non stop talking.

"I'll tell you the rest tomorrow. Take care you two,love you both"Sam send them both a flying kiss before entering the car of her boyfriend and they both sighed.

"I swear I almost lost all of my hearing ability"Tine said and Bun Chuckled.

"She's just too excited. So, do you have somewhere to go?"she asked as she got into Tine's car.

"I think no. Why? Do you wanna go somewhere?"

"Mmhmm, mom just texted me to ask you to pick up Wat and Bear from school"she said and he started the engine.

"That's not a problem"He said and start driving.

"Well, Tine, I've got something to ask you"


"Are you really okay?"

"Huh? What?"

"Are you okay? You've been spacing out a lot today. Are you hiding something from me?"

"No no...... I'm fine..... you're imagining things. Leave it, how's it between you and that Dumbass?"he asked and she chuckled.

"He's nice to me now, he's taking me out one day"

"Oho,so what about us?"he asked pointing at their selves and Bun slapped his hands lightly.

"Yaaah you know I would give my life for you and I always have time for you"she said and he just rolled his eyes.

They listened to songs on the way.

"Get in"Bun said to both the boy's as Tine stopped the car next to them.

The drive was surprisingly silent and Tine dropped Bun and Bear at their house.

"Are you going straight to home after dropping Wat at his house?"Bun asked.

"Yeah"Tine replied shortly and Bun nodded.

"Take care babies"she ruffled Wat's hair and waved bye at them.


"Ouch"Tine yelped slightly when the thorn of the stem of rose flower made a small cut on his finger. A small drop of blood was visible and Sarawat hold his hands.

"Can you be careful? Why are you walking around and touching everything,to get hurt like this?"Wat scolded and Tine rolled his eyes.

"It's just a small cut and I'm elder than you"Tine said and Sarawat scoffed and dropped his hands.

"Here you go"the lady have him the bouquet and they both walked up to the grave.

They both silently told Prim about everything.

Tine noticed that Sarawat was extra silent that day. He seemed to be distracted by some thoughts and Tine didn't knew if this was the right to tell him about what his dad said.

2GETHER TILL THE END[BOOK-3]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now