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"Surprise....."she grinned and Jessie smacked Bun's hand.

"Oww that hurt-"

"You cheater, weren't we here for you? Huh? Where were you? Stupid girl-"Jessie said in beating beating her and crying.

"Oi oi calm down baby"Bun said and hugged her tightly.

Katie smiled at them.

"How're you doing girls?"

"Great"Katie said and Bun nodded.

"What about you soo?"Bun looked at Jisoo who nodded a little at her.

"I missed you a lot"Jessie pouted and Bun chuckled.

"I was with my boys, just was taking a break but now I'm back with full power. Ah Jessie, I've bring some gift for you"Bun said.

"A gift?"she asked and Bun nodded.

"Mmhmmm, see for yourself"Bun said and looked behind her and the girls followed her gaze and saw a handsome man behind Jessie's seat and she gasped.

"L-lucas? Is it really you?"Jessie asked with shocked face.

"I b-believe I am, hehe"Lucas chuckled awkwardly and Jessie jumped onto him making him go back but he managed to hold her and him from falling down.

Lucas looked at Bun who just winked and shrugged at him.

"Katie, can I have a moment with Jisoo, we'll be right back"Bun turned to Jisoo and Katie smiled.




"Soo first if all I'm sorry for not beleiving you and leaving without a word. I- I just needed some break at the moment and I just-"

"It's fine Bun. I can understand"Jisoo said and Bun smiled.

"He went back. I've cut off every relationship I had with him and guess what,"Bun looked at Jisoo.

"You two broke up, right?"

"Obviously"Bun sighed and Jisoo touched her Shoulder.

"You deserve someone better Bun"

"So do you"Bun said and stared into Jisoo's eyes.

After a while it was awkward and Bun fake coughed.

"Ahem.....uhm..... what's your son's name?"Bun asked.

"Felix, 8months old"Jisoo smiled remembering her son.

"He's a sweet kid, you're lucky"Bun said and Jisoo Chuckled.

"Your parents?"

"They're fine. And I found a part time job in a cafe"

"Wow that's great. Looks like many happened while I was gone?"

"Not much....... how're you feeling now?"Jisoo asked hesitantly.

"I feel like I just was saved from falling to hot fire"Bun joked.

"I've brought some friends over from Australia. They suddenly got a vacation for 2weeks and they insisted to go with me. How about we go meet them after class?" Bun asked and Jisoo nodded.


Lucas somehow managed to convince Jessie to flirt with Tine, even though she find it hard when her ultimate online crush Lucas is right in front of her, she decided to play along.

"You're so handsome"Jessie giggled and hugged Tine's hand making him uncomfortable. They were in Bun's apartment after class.

Sarawat rolled his eyes and looked at Bun who didn't even looked at him.

"He looks like he's gonna break that glass"Lucas whispered in Bun's ear and she looked at the glass in Sarawat's hand and her eyes widened as she quickly grabbed the glass.

"No uh, not my new glass. Here you go"she replaced the glass with a paper cup and Sarawat glared at Bun and she shrugged.

He crumbled the paper cup and threw it on the floor before going into the room Bun gave him to sleep in as long as they are here.

"Sarawat is more hot headed than Tine, so easy to get jealous"Johnny said and Bun nodded.

"He got it from his parents"Bun said and remembered the chaos back then when her parents had to struggle to make Ohm and Prim get along, even though she was young to remember them, she have heard the elder's discussing about it sometimes when they gather together.

"Guess it's my turn now"she chuckled a bit.

"Uhhh too close"Tine managed to say and Jessie suddenly let go of him.

"That's right, too close"Jessie stood up and quickly walked to Lucas.

"You're supposed to flirt with him"Lucas whisper yelled.

"But the other boy is gone, so why?"Jessie asked back and Lucas sighed.


Everyone sat in a circle in Bun's living room.

"Let's play truth or dare"Katie suggested and everyone agreed except,

"No one gets to kiss my boyfriend"Johnny said and wrapped his arms around Ten protectively.

"No one gets to kiss my boyfriend too"Ten hugged back Johnny and said.

"Whatever, just start the game"Lucas rolled his eyes and Bun spinned the bottle which landed on Jisoo and Katie on the other side.

"I choose truth"Katie said.

"Well, Katie, do you have a crush?"Jisoo asked and Katie smiled.

"Ummmm I do"she said and Everyone oohed.

"Wow, who's that?"Bun asked curiously and Katie Chuckled.

"It was just one question"Katie said said and Bun pouted.

"Moving on"Jessie announced before spinning the bottle again.

Everyone looked at the bottle stopping with Lucas and Jessie on the ends.

"I choose dare"Lucas said and Jessie grinned but it faded when she looked at Bun who was eyeing her not to do anything stupid, Tine and Sarawat are watching.

"Treat me with my favourite foods tomorrow"Jessie said.

"I only have looks ,, no money. But it's fine I guess"Lucas said and Bun shook her head.

"Next"Bun said and spinned the bottle, just like everyone waited for it landed between Tine and Ten.

"I choose truth-"

"Aaah afraid to choose dare?"Lucas raised his eyebrows and Tine glared at him.

"I choose dare"Tine said and Lucas smirked.

"I dare you to kiss Wat on lips"Ten said and Both their jaw dropped.

"WHAT?"Tine looked at them shocked, so did Sarawat.

"It's just a game"Katie said and Sarawat looked at Tine.

"N-no no-"

"You already choose dare Tine, don't worry, it's just a game-"Bun was cut off by Lucas.

"Don't force him Bun, as a good friend I can do it for him. I don't mind kissing Sarawat, after all he's hot and-"

Silence filled in the room and everyone eyes widened when Tine cupped Sarawat's cheeks and planted his kiss on the younger's lips.

Tine's eyes were tightly closed where as Sarawat's were about to pop out from how much shocked he was. Heartbeats fastened and the kiss felt special. Eventually both of them relaxed as Sarawat wrapped his hand around Tine's waist as they let themselves melt into the kiss.

Their lips moved in sync like perfectly and the feeling was something that can't be replaced with anything else........

They both were forgetting that they were literally seen by 7pairs of eyes.

The kiss was getting heated as they pulled eachother more close and held onto one another tighter,yet gently.❤️

2GETHER TILL THE END[BOOK-3]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now