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"So you're saying that hot guy is your crush who also brought you that necklace and he also ignored you to surprise you like this?"Johnny asked and Tine nodded.


"Woah, you're so lucky-ow"Ten punched on Johnny's hand and he yelped.

"Yah, I'm right here"he rolled his eyes and Tine looked at Sarawat who was coming to them with drink for all 4of them. He sat beside Tine and placed the drinks on the table. He smiled at them.

"So you came here to be with him? I mean to surprise him?"Ten asked and Wat shook his head.

"Not exactly. From what I heard from P'Tine, both our dad's revealed this news to us on the same night. I didn't told anyone and later I came to know about him. From my cousin and his friend Bun I came to know that we're going to the same place too. So I told her to keep it as a secret-"

"You're saying that Bun knew it all along?"Tine asked shocked and Sarawat shrugged and nodded.

"That brat"Tine gasped and others chuckled.

"So how did you know that he live here? I mean maybe he would've been living in a dorm outside the campus"Ten said.

"When I landed here, Bun texted me this adress. So......"Sarawat said and sipped on his juice.

"Woaah, you're a great friend"Ten said and Sarawat just smiled.

"Hey isn't that your roommate?"Ten suddenly noticed a man sitting on the table behind their table and staring at Tine.

"Why is he staring at you?"Johnny asked and Tine shrugged. Sarawat noticed how he didn't looked away even after seeing that he's caught red handed. He didn't felt at ease and he was sure something's off and the way he stared at Tine definitely made Sarawat's blood boil. He hold his fist tightly under the table and acted calm.

"He really wants to mess with me, as**ole"Tine cursed and gave the boy his middle finger to which he surprisingly responded with a smirk.

Okay, not gonna lie, he might be creepy and all but he's quite handsome too.Cuz,why not.


Ever since William received a good slap from Jisoo,no boy or girl dared to approach her and she didn't went for it too. She seemed really fine in her world alone but Jessie being the bubbly girl she is , didn't intended on leaving the girl alone, exactly not after seeing how cool she really is.

"Are you sure about this Jessie, I mean you know I would react if she's being rude to you and it'll cause a scene here"Bun warned and Jessie clinged onto her.

"Oh come on bestie, she's so cool but she is alone. Let's try to give a company and if she reject, I promise I'll not go to her again......deal?"she asked and Bun sighed.

"Uh Whatever,just go"Bun said and Katie Chuckled and shook her head. Jessie grinned and got up from her seat and walked to the girl who was about to enjoy her food alone.

"Hello? Can I sit here?"Jessie asked but the girl just looked at her and didn't responded. Jessie looked back and saw Bun rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"Hehe I'll, I'll take that as a yes"Jessie said and sat next to her chair.

"So I'm Jessie, we are in the same class. Uhhhhhhhmmmmmm so, would you like to join, join us?"Jessie asked hesitantly and Jisoo looked behind her at the table where Bun and Katie was sitting and she looked back at Jessie who looked nervous.

"I- mean.....only if you're oka-"

"Sure, let's go"was all Jisoo said as she stood up and Jessie grinned and followed her.

She silently took the seat beside Bun as Jessie suggested and Jessie sat near Katie and grinned at eachother.

"Hi, I'm Katie. I'm Jessie's twin sister....... fraternal twin. I'm taking different class from you three"Katie introduced herself and Jisoo nodded once to it.

"I'm Achara, you can call me Bun if you want or just my name"Bun smiled a little and Jisoo smiled back and Jessie gasped causing them all to look at her.

"Hummm nothing, never knew you had such a pretty smile"she said and her smile fainted not knowing of Jessie was actually saying that or making fun of her.

Bun chuckled at that and looked at Jisoo.

"She's right. You should smile more often, it's nice"Bun said and Jisoo awkwardly smiled at them causing them to chuckle, because she was cute.


"You actually do wear it?"Sarawat asked looking at the chain he gave to Tine.

"I only remove it in the shower, I wear it because you're my-"he suddenly stopped realising what he was about to say.

"I am your....?"Wat looked at him expecting an answer.

"..........F-friend"Tine said and looked away.

"Hmmmm Friend"Wat smirked and Tine looked at him.

"Eh What?"

"Mmhmm nothing"Sarawat chuckled.

"So do you have a-"

"Lover?"Sarawat cut in and Tine slapped his hand.

"No you brat. I was asking if you have a roommate"Tine rolled his eyes and Sarawat chuckled.

"I don't but they said I'll get an amazing roommate soon"Sarawat said and Tine just nodded.

"What about the other?"After a few seconds of silence Tine again asked.

"What other?"Sarawat looked at him.

"About what you said"Tine said shyly.

"I didn't said anything"Sarawat shrugged.

"D-do you have a lover?"Tine asked nervously and Sarawat stopped walking. They were now in front of Tine's room.

"What if I do?"Sarawat asked and Tine's smile faded.

"Ummm.....never mind, I'm gonna get some rest......see you later, good night"Tine said feeling nervous and he quickly went into his room leaving Sarawat there standing alone.

Sarawat smiled a little"I hope you feel the same for me"he said to himself and walked upto his room.


Kinda short, I wouldn't have been updating today but I felt like something missing when I didn't posted. So I just wrote it and posted. Hope you liked it

See y'all tomorrow ❤️🤗

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