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"Chat? Who's chat baby? You've never talked about such a friend"Bright asked frowning and still looking at the phone.

Win took the phone Bright's hand and Bun's heart dropped down to her stomach.

He attended the call and Bun took in a long breath.

"Hello?.........Hello?.......YAH HOW DARE YOU HANG UP ON ME?"Win yelled and Bright flinched and he dropped the book he randomly kept in his hands.

"Bun, don't your friends have respect? How dare he hang up the call and most importantly, it's 11:30pm, why would your male friend call you at this hour or is he more that a frie-"

"Mommm mom ,calm down.......breath in and breath out, you too dad. And Chat is my friend, more like bestfriend and my family and Tine. He don't usually call me at late and if he hang up he probably dialled someone else"Bun came up with an explanation and Win sighed looking at her.

"Uhh,fine. Go to bed now or you'll miss the plans with Tine and Wat and the snacks I packed will go to trash can"

"Don't worry honey, I'll eat it"Bright said and Bun pushed him lightly.

"No thanks dad. Good night"she said and they chuckled at her. They kissed her forehead and she quickly went to bed.


"I thought it will be Tine picking you up"Ohm Chuckled and Sarawat groaned.

"I thought so too, I've called Bun and she said she's not home but will join us soon"

"So are you gonna wait till he come or do as him mom said?"

"He left me no choice"Sarawat said and stood up.

"See you both later, byee take care"He waved to Ohm and sleepy Aria who just woke up to say bye to him.

"TAKE CARE YOU TOO"Ohm yelled and looked at his bowl of cereal.

"But he could've just waited for Tine to wake up and come to pick him up?"

"Too late to say that dad. He already left. Now I'm going to bed, good nig-"

"Ah ah where do you think you are going? Come on, help me to water the plants, come on, don't be lazy"Ohm stopped her by catching her ear and she pouted for not letting her sleep.


"Coming...."Sarawat heard footsteps form inside and stepped out a bit and the door was opened revealing Tine's mother.

"Good morning mrs. Teepakorn"he greeted and bowed with a smile and she stood there in awe.

Last night after eating everything and before passing out Tine told her about crushing on Sarawat,who is Prim's son. Even though she have seen him a few time when Prim was still alive,it was first time her seeing him in a long time.

"So you're the one Tine was talking about. Owwwhhhh you Really do look like Prim,your mom"she said in awe and he smiled.

"Thanks Mrs.Teepakorn-"

"Ai ai call me mom"she said and Wat looked at her a bit confused.

"Uh- I mean....maybe not yet but as for now you can call me Aunt, I won't mind. Mrs. Teepakorn is way too formal"she said and he nodded slowly.

"Ohhh sure Mrs. T-  I mean sure Auntie"

"That's much better, come in son"she said and he walked in.

"Thanks Auntie"Sarawat smiled.

"He's not waking up no matter how many times I've been calling him. You better go and see for yourself. Maybe he'll wake up. His room is upstairs,in the right.it's not locked"she said and Sarawat groaned internally.

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