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"So this is solved here. I'm gonna take Sarawat to home and will be back home"Bear said and Bun nodded and started mocking him as he walked away.

Liya already left in a cab and Bun looked at Tine.

"Aren't you gonna fight?"Bun asked amazed and Tine sighed.

"S-stop this Bun. You know none of this can make him jealous. He left you because he stopped loving you. Stop wasting your time and love and save it for someone who deserves you better"Tine pleaded and Bun smiled.

"I-...... it's not like I don't want to stop..........it just hurts to see him with someone else........maybe he'll feel the same when he see with someone else, and because of that he might come back to me"Bun said.

"STOP IT BUN. Get out of this hell,stop hurting yourself. You feel hurt and jealous because you still love that stupid and he'll not because you know he don't love you"Tine said and wiped away the tear rolled down her cheek and hugged her.

"I'm trying Tine.........it just hurts too much......after 3whole years, he says he was just playing......how could he?"

"Don't cry Bun.........he don't deserve you. You shouldn't hangout with other boys thinking he'll go for you again........ just stop it and wait for the real love for you.......now smile for me"

Bun pulled away and smiled at him. She held his hands.

"Go for the one you love. I'm helping you to get Liya but if you dare to hurt her after loving her your death will be by my hands"Bun said and Tine nodded his head while smiling and they giggled.


"Don't you have to go to Univ today?"Sarawat asked and entered Tine's car.

"I do. But my classes start late today. So I thought I would drop you off at school"Tine said and Sarawat smiled.

"That's great"

"So, did Uncle caught you last night?"

"Luckily he didn't"Sarawat chuckled and Tine's heart skipped a beat.

"Liya and you-"Tine cut off Sarawat.

"Bun was just playing around. Me and Liya are not dating or anything........ i-it's a misunderstanding"Tine said and Sarawat felt like a heavy stone was lifted from him. He felt incredibly happy but he hide his smile.

"D-do you have a girlfriend?"

"No. Not yet. But I have a crush"Sarawat smiled at Tine and Tine felt like he was stabbed on his heart. He looked away and managed to smile.

"T-that's nice....."


Bun and Tine were in cafeteria at break time.

"Have a nice day"Tine said and waved at Sarawat who waved back with a smile and walked into the school gate.

Tine sighed and looked down at his lap for a few moments before driving to his univ.

"You're spacing out a lot today, what's going on?"Bun asked and put a hand around Tine's shoulder.

"N-nothing......I just have a small headache"Tine said and Bun pulled away.

"Is it bad?"she asked and touched his forehead with back of her hand and pouted.

"Ummm not a fever. But don't worry, I'll go and get coffee for us. Wait here"she ruffled his hair and got up from her seat and went to the counter.

Tine watched her and a lot of thoughts came running into his mind.

She's sweet,bold,caring,loving and is a very good bestfriend anyone would wish to have. Her parents are gay and she's not at embarassed to say it anywhere so she should accept when her best friend is a gay, right?

2GETHER TILL THE END[BOOK-3]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now