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"Damn-that was a good one"Bun said while laughing and wrapped her arms around Tine's arm,he was also laughing at the very good ending of the movie,the movie ended with a comedy(up to your imagination).

"Yeah I loved that goofy guy,like how can a mafia leader who control like thousands of people can't control his own son"Tine laughed and Bun agreed to it.

"Ah let's eat some ice cream before we go back"Bun suggested.

"Sure , but we have to eat fi-"Tine stopped when Bun tugged on his hand and pointed at something to him and his eyes widened in surprise.


"It was a good movie"Sarawat shrugged and Bear rolled his eyes.

"How come? It was just an average movie"Bun stated and Sarawat sighed.

"We have to go back fast before- damn"Sarawat stopped as he noticed them looking at him.

"Damn?"Bear asked confused and followed his gaze and his eyes widened.


A few hours ago

Sarawat was laying on his bed and listening to some songs helping him sleep and suddenly the music stopped and his phone started ringing.

He groaned in annoyance and looked at the screen and sighed as he picked up the call.

"Come out,fast"-Bear

"What the hell bro? I was almost sleeping"

"Well who care's. I sneaked out and right now I'm waiting outside your house now come out fast"

"No no......dad might wake up. I'm not coming"


"Ya- ah why are you shouting. Aish, I'm not sure about this. What if dad finds out?"

"My girlfriend is even brave than you. She will come out anytime to live with me and to hangout with me"

"When did you even have a girlfriend?"

"I'm talking about my imaginary girlfriend. Now come out or I'll come right in and wake uncle from sleep and tell him about you sneaking out with me-"

"Stop it. I'm coming. Okay? I'm coming. Let me just get ready"Sarawat sat up on his bed and growled.

"Good boy. Be quick"Bear chuckled and cut the call.

Back to present

"Wow wow wow what a surprise? My brother sneaked out at night?"Bun smirked and Bear gulped down.

"And Wat,when did you became bratty like this boy? Did you sneaked out or uncle Ohm know you're not home?"Bun crossed her arms and Sarawat looked at Bear and her.

"What's wrong? It's not like I went to drink or rob. It's just a movie"Bear said and Bun raised her eyebrows.

Tine and Sarawat knew this was the start and a few people were noticing them.

"Ooh yes. You know what,let me call mom and and let them know that her dear son bear sneaked out of our house at night to watch just a movie..... How about that?"Bun picked out her phone and Bear rolled his eyes.

"Go ahead. I got a new video of you drinking with your new boyfriend"Bear said and her eyes widened.

"This needs to stop- wait......what boyfriend?"Tine interupted them and looked at Bun and Bear.

2GETHER TILL THE END[BOOK-3]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now