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"That guy seriously is getting on my nerves. I just want to beat him to death"Tine whispered through his phone.

"Then why don't you go and say to him what you feel for him?"Johnny asked back through phone but the call got disconnected.

"Who are you calling?"Bun crossed her hands and Tine bite his lips.

"Ummmmm n-no one?"

"Is that supposed to be answered by me?"Bun asked back.

"But I didn't called anyone? Weren't you sleeping,so I came here and noticed a voice message from Johnny, I was just giving the reply"Tine lied and Bun pouted.

"I'm hungry"she mumbled.

"Huh? B-but- I don't know cook-"

"I want something to eat or I'll be starved to death"she mumbled again.


"AAAHHH my eyes are burning"Sarawat was almost crying and Tine sighed.

"Can't even cut an onion"Tine mumbled before pushing off Wat and doing it by himself. In short both weren't good at cooking but they both knew something that the other doesn't so they hoped when they put together, they'll get some not so bad result. Imperfect and imperfect always make a match together if they fill up the others flaws.

"I'll make the egg"Sarawat said and Tine nodded while cutting onion in circles.

Well, Bun in periods put them in such a situation where they had to wake up in midnight and have to make some egg burger.

Luckily they had ingredients.

The boy's somehow managed to fill her stomach and send her to bed.

Tine yawned and Sarawat chuckled.

"We just cooked and you're this tired?"Sarawat asked and Tine scoffed.

"Well incase if you didn't noticed, it's 2am"Tine said and Sarawat nodded.

"You can go to bed if you're tired, I'll just have to wash this plates-"

"I can wait"Tine said and Sarawat nodded.

"Ai Wat"


"What do you think about Lucas?"Tine asked and Sarawat dried the plates and put it back on its place.

"He's a good friend,nice, a good football player, quite good looking . He's a nice guy. Why? What do you think of him?"Sarawat asked back.

"A bad Friend, the worst football player, looking like sh*t. He's a really weird guy"Tine said and Sarawat chuckled.

"Why do you hate him that much?"

"I just do"Tine shrugged and Sarawat shook his head.


Tine and Sarawat were sitting in the Library reading something when the uninvited guest took a seat beside them.

"Missed me?"Lucas asked cheerfully and Sarawat smiled.

"I thought you were dead and I finally got some more oxygen to consume but since you're here......."Tine shrugged.

"Wow but I think the world have enough oxygen for all of us to take in"

"Of course there is but the balance and equality is not fair since you take in more oxygen than any of us"Tine said back.

"That doesn't make sense"Lucas said.

"It does"

"No it doesn'-"

"THE BOARD SAYS 'SILENT'"Librarian yelled pointing at the 'silent' board and everyone in there flinched.

"But she just ye-"Sarawat stopped Tine from talking anymore by placing his finger over Tine's lips.

"Shhh silence"Sarawat whispered to Tine.

A shiver went down Tine's spine by the touch and Sarawat was so surprised by how soft the elder's lips were. His ears was red now and Tine's face was the worst since his face was completely red like a Tomato.

"W-woah......I guess I'll go out"Lucas said to himself before going out.


"Woah how do you know to play football?"Johnny asked to Bun amazed and she chuckled.

"I don't play alot, just a little. My aunt used to play it and then she played with me and Tine......Tine teached me more about it"Bun shrugged.

"That's amazing"Johnny said.

"I need a help Johnny"Bun looked at him.

"Have Tine ever told you anything about having a crush or lover or anything?Bun asked and he looked at her.

"Uhm.... I'm sorry I can't tell you about it..... I've promised him"Johnny said and Bun sighed.


"Seriously he have a crush on Sarawat. He have been hiding it in him for so so long, even before he came here and met me and my boyfriend. He love Wat a lot more than we could ever imagine"Johnny said and he ate the cake Bun brought for him as per his demand.

She put her elbows on the table and put a hand under her chin.

"I always had doubts, but......but why didn't Tine said anything about it to Wat?"

"Tsk. He's too afraid to give a chance. I heard that a few days back Sarawat said to him that he's not into girls. But he's still afraid to confess, I feel too bad for him. He's like the youngest among those two, even Sarawat is obviously flirting with him. At this point I don't know what's going on their heads"Johnny said still eating and Bun nodded.

"What are we gonna do about it?"Bun asked.

"Should we help them?"Johnny asked back and Bun scoffed.

"Do you think those kids are gonna do it without help? My poor boys"she pouted and he chuckled at her.


"This isn't gonna workout. P'Tine already told Sarawat that he haven't met any girl's of his style so Sarawat's assuming him to be straight. So I think we should find a-"

"Girl?"Johnny cut in and Ten nodded.

"Where? Do you have any friends here?"Bun asked.

"Sadly but not so sadly, No......none who could help us"Johnny said.

"What about you?"she looked at Lucas.

"Hmmmm no, I don't really befriend a lot of them since most of them are just after my popularity"Lucas said and others sighed.

"Now what? Let's just ask for some random person for help"Ten suggested.

"It might go wrong. I mean, imagine we ask some girl for help and she agree, what if in the end she grow feelings for him? That's gonna be a whole troublesome-"Bun explained and Johnny cut in.

"Let's not think about it then"


"How's your baby doing?"Jessie asked to Jisoo and she nodded.

"He's good"Jisoo, she already said everything happened to the girls and they couldn't blame both Jisoo or Bun. Katie just sat there in silence.

"Hmmm? What are you guys talking about?"Someone suddenly pulled a chair and sat near them and They three looked up with wide eyes to see Bun sitting there with a confused look.

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