Hey There.......

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Hey there my friends......

Missed me?


Alright, anyways I missed you all.

I haven't updated in last two days but I already miss y'all. It's not like I don't want to update but I really don't know how to write this. I'm kind of lacking confidence and feel so discouraged.

Sometimes I think whatever I write doesn't make any sense at all. Last two days I had no idea what's going on, I was just like a body without soul doing nothing special.

I.......... kinda feel disappointed in myself and if you ask why I'm not sure either, but one thing I know that we all have gone through or is going through such a state.

Soooo I am writing something,yeah a new chapter, ofcourse but I'm not promising when I'll update.

Probably today or tomorrow.

I honestly was about give y'all a quadruple update last day but I received a cargo my dad sent and something bad happened.

I got a mobile & camera tripod stand and while setting it up and adjusting suddenly 'namjoon's' distribution power ran through my veins and I broke the handle😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.

My dad haven't known it yet and I taped it up😶🤐.

So anyways, yeah I'll update soon as possible.

Hope you'll forgive me for keeping you waiting and continue supporting me ❤️

Love y'all 🤗❤️

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