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After a day they saw Dr.Chan smiling at them while saying this,

"This is amazing....... Sarawat's body is showing some changes, I assume it to be a signal about something good happening sooner or later. Keep praying and we're working hard"Chan said and Ohm hold his hand.

"I-im really sorry for talking to you like that-"

"It's okay uncle, if I was in your place, probably I would've been the same. So I can understand, don't keep it in mind anymore"Chan smiled at Ohm and walked away.


"Y-You cried because of me? S-should I think you love me or hate me that I caused you to cry?"Tine asked Sarawat with a small smile caressed his hand in his palm.

"We are all waiting for you Wat.......come back to us soon"Tine kissed Sarawat's forehead before walking out to see his patients.


"Don't pluck those flowers, dad and P'Wat like them the most"Aria stopped Jeongin who was admiring the flowers in their backyard.

"O-oh.......they are beautiful"Jeongin said awkwardly and Aria just walked back in like she didn't heard it.

"Uh A-aria"he called and she stopped and turned around.


"Your dad called. Hyung started responding little by little. I'll visit him today, my manager will pick me up and if you want to come with me, get ready"he said and she's smiled and ran inside happily.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months.

It's been 3months since Sarawat is in coma and sometimes he suddenly disappoint others while not responding to the treatment but sometimes they gets their hopes up.

But Tine didn't stopped talking to Sarawat. Everytime he get a chance he talked to Sarawat about how much he love him and how everyone are waiting for him.

On the other hand the police found it was just and accident and Fans are all over the internet writing heart touching letters for him and Hoping them to come back again as Together.

Tine took out the chain and smiled at it.

"Do you remember the moment you gave this to me Wat? It was one of the most beautiful moments in my life.......I once was about to throw it away and I did, but I took it back because I thought when I apologise we could be together.......then you ran away and after a long time,you came back but I was so stubborn and rude towards you......I didn't gave you a chance and I regret it.......when you went back to Korea, my life felt so empty.......I thought I would never meet you again......but I always kept this because I needed this is my life, probably as the last thing I could ever have from you.......and now you're back. Wat....... please wake up, the other half of the necklace can only be with you if one is with me......this time I'm the one begging for your forgiveness and a chance, let's figure this out together, let's give try to this t-together......."Tine said and put the necklace in Sarawat's palm and sighed.

Tine was about to stood up when he felt a movement under his palm and his breath hitched and eye's widened seeing Sarawat trying to move his finger.

Tear's welled up in Tine's eyes as he ran out to find Dr.Chan.


Sarawat's eye's were half open with a tired expression on his face. But his eyes were tending to be closed and Tine was worried.

"Tine, you know you don't have to be worried anymore.......this is how it is, but I probably can promise that he'll be back to us very soon"Chan smiled at Tine who was smiling with tears in his eyes.

2GETHER TILL THE END[BOOK-3]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now