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Bright sunlight touched Sarawat's face and he opened his eyes with no one near him. He sat up immediately but there was no signs of Tine being in the room,be must have woke up early.

He rubbed his eyes and get out of the bed and put on his slippers and walked out. He heard Tine's voice from the balcony and walked upto there.

"Here,"Tine giggled and put the freshly bloomed flower he plucked from Bun's balcony in front of the baby.

Felix extended his tiny hands to reach it and Tine took it back quickly making the baby look at him surprised and pouted.

"Awww okay okay, one more try"Tine hold the baby safely and again bring the flower close to his face and this time Tine let Little Felix take the flower from him and giggled with the baby. Sarawat smiled at the beautiful view and heard footstep behind.

He turned around to see Jisoo with two cups of coffee and smiled.

"Goodmorning"she said and gave him the coffee and he took both cups from her.

"I'll give it to him"Sarawat said and Jisoo smiled and went back to kitchen.

He walked out to the balcony and Tine looked up at him.

"Goodmorning"Tine sing song and Sarawat smiled and looked at Felix who already was laying on Tine's chest.

"Morning..... here's your coffee"Tine said and placed the coffee on the small round table in balcony and Tine smiled and mumbled a thanks.

"Already loving him?"Sarawat asked and Tine looked at the baby who was looking at Sarawat in wonder and chuckled.

"I was indeed wrong, how could someone hate this sweetheart"Tine said and Sarawat agreed to it.


"YAAAAH YOU WAKE UP"Bun yelled in Lucas's ear and he groaned.

"Woaahhh yell slowly, I can't sleep"Lucas mumbled with his eyes still close and Bun jumped on top of him and started pulling his hair.

"Wakey wakeyyyyy"She said and he yelped in pain and open his eyes.

"Aaaahhhh I'm up I'm up,let me gooooo"He finally admitted his defeat and she grinned.

"Good boy, come to kitchen if you want coffee and don't you dare to sleep again unless you want to go out bald"she threatened as she walked out and he sighed and touched his head.


"Give me back my sheet"Ten mumbled and stole back the duvet from Johnny, which he stolen from Ten in the middle of the night.

"Give it backkkk-ow OH"Johnny tried to take it back but Ten kicked his ass out of the bed and he fall to the floor on his but and groaned in pain. After 2minutes of crying in pain he decided to sleep on the floor instead of waking up.


"What should we make for breakfast?"Jisoo asked and looked at Bun.

"Pancakes will be fine. Don't you think?"Bun asked and felt a pair of Arms wrapped around her.

"Of course it's fine, right Jisoo?"Lucas asked and Jisoo smiled.

"Right. I'll prepare the batter then"Jisoo said and got herself busy and Bun sighed.

"Yaaah what do you think your doing?"Bun asked in a boring tune and he just snuggled closer to her.

"Don't you think it's too rude to invade into one's personal bubble?"Bun asked.

"But I see none and besides it's cold, so why not?"Lucas said and Bun hide her smile.

"Yaah, let me go"She slapped his slapped and and he chuckled but didn't let go.

"Let me go"She said again and they repeated the action for some time.

"Come here let my put you in my new cooking pan and heat you up if you're that cold"She said and he laughed and let her go.

"You stinks Lucas, go and wash up. Go now"She pushed him out of kitchen and Chuckled seeing him pout and went back to help Jisoo.


"What do I do now?"Tine asked rocking the crying baby gently in his embrace. Bun, Jisoo and Lucas went to buy some groceries leaving Felix with Sarawat and Tine while Johnny and Ten went out for some date they said.

"Sing a lullaby"Sarawat said and Tine rolled his eyes.

"Do I look like I can sing? Come on, do something"Tine whinned.

"I think he is hungry"Sarawat said again.

"What should we give him?"

"We have leftover pizza-"

"Are you playing dumb Wat?"Tine was starting to get angry.

"Maybe he's just bored-"

"What's wrong with you Wat? First you said he might be sleepy and then hungry and now bored, can you choose one?"Tine asked annoyed.

"What? It's not like I'm the father or I have experience bringing up a child. Besides you are the elder one, you should know what to do"Sarawat rolled his eyes and Tine looked at him unbelievably.


"Peek-a-boo"Tine started doing weird stuffs to entertain the baby later on but none worked out.

"Aaah this is tiring"Tine fall on the chair and sighed. He rolled his eyes at Sarawat who was tuning his guitar.

"Seriously? I'm struggling here and you're playing with that?"

"Aish I'm not playing........"Sarawat said and finally after tuning his guitar he hold it comfortably and his fingers started to work like a magic on the strings of guitar.

Tine relaxed at instance when the baby stopped crying and looked around to see where's the new sound coming from, and once he spotted Sarawat with his guitar on a corner he stared at the person in wonder and surprise.

"W-woah that really worked"Tine exclaimed and Sarawat smiled at him.


Okay so this one is short but I can't write any further without making a decision.

I literally want to bring a g×g couple into the story.

But the way I wrote it is a bit confusing like, after reading the comments of a few I feel like they have a point. I was about to bring Bun and Jisoo as a pair but the point is that both girls were cheated by the same person and it might be a little weird.

Like if I put myself into a situation like this, I admit I wouldn't hate the girl but I definitely won't feel comfortable to be in a love relationship with her. I am not saying like it's something deserving hate but it just is hard,.

Ughhh let me get to the point, I need your help and it's important.

I'm giving you a few possibilities of couples in the story and please choose which one you liked, I'll go with the one's with most like and I obviously need a g×g love in my story.


↑↑↑Select one for gl from these 3



↑↑↑ select one for b×g from these 3.

Please comment your choice and I'll go with the most wanted 2choices. Only after you make a choice I can continue writing, I hope you will help me🙏🏻💜

Love y'all 💞

2GETHER TILL THE END[BOOK-3]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now