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"you should've told me Bun"Win said and Bun gulped down.


"I'm not finished. How could you have a baby. I know there's something we don't know. Spill the tea Bun"Win growled and Bun looked at Her father who gestured her everything will be okay.

"H-he's my ex's son"she said and Bright's eye's widened.

"Wait- What? How?"

"C-can I explain Mom.....?"

"I'm listening"Win said and Bun started to explain everything and Win gave her a Stern look.

"So who's wife?"

"Huh?"Bun looked at her father confused and Win rolled his eyes at Bright.

"Tsk P'Bright. Bun, I can't accept the fact that you lied to is all this time"

"I'm sorry mom and day, I - I was really Afraid that you would hate me"her eyes started to get teary and Win suddenly hugged her.

"D-don't cry sweetheart.......but you could've trust us honey"Win said and Bun sobbed.

"It's okay Bun baby, he said it's okay-"

"It's not okay"Win said and Bun pulled away shocked and Bright gasped.

"Wait- what?"Bright asked.

"Bun, are you two married?"Win asked and she shook her head.

"That's it. You can't keep someone's son with you if you aren't married legally and you can't stay in the same room yet-"

"But mom-"

"No but's. You'll stay in the guest room and she will sleep in your room with the baby in your room. And if possible we should you two should get married fast as possible" Win demanded and Bun looked at her dad who shrugged as if he's helpless here.

"And Bun.......let them rest here, I've some news for you"Bright looked at her daughter.

"Sarawat is back, in his home"Bright said and Bun gasped.

"I-is it true?"

"Yes, he arrived this morning and I heard from Ohm that he'll go back soon, you should vis-"Bun didn't waited for him to finish as she snatched the car's key from Bright's hand and unlocked the door and rushed out leaving others behind dumbfounded.

"You don't have to say that.....but honey,are you really cool about our daughter being in a relationship already?"Bright asked.

"WHAT? NO, I'm still in shock.......s-she was a baby just yesterday and now she's having a baby, HOW THE HELL I'M SUPPOSED TO BE COOL? I'M FREAKING OUT IN NY HEAD BUT I DON'T WANT HER TO BE SCARED"Win let out and Bright hugged him to calm down.

"Eh please lower your voice baby, we don't want to scare away our new family, do we?"Bright asked and Win sighed.

"I-...........Aish, let me just go meet that girl"Win sighed and Bright smiled a little.

Of course they were a little disappointed about how their daughter got into a relationship without their knowledge but they don't hate her. It's her life and her choice, as long as they both don't let eachother down they'll be fine or else they should get ready to face the devil sides of BrightWin.


A few hours ago

"When is Bun and her girlfriend coming with their baby?"Mrs.Teepakorn asked to her son who was laying his head on her shoulder.

"She haven't arrived yet. Probably in afternoon"He said.

"Well I have a happy news for you boi"she said and Tine was uninterested. He wasn't interested in anything special after Sarawat disappeared from his life. All he did was study, study, study and study and nothing special.

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