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"Where's dad?"Bear looked at Win who was looking like a mad bunny.

"Why don't you call him yourself?"he asked and Bear pouted.

"I just wanted to know......."he said and Win looked at his,his look softened and he sighed.

"Baby,he will come home soon. Must be busy. Eat your dinner and go to bed. Hmm?"Win placed his palm on his hair and Bear nodded.

"Where's Bun?"Win asked as he started to serve dinner for Bun.

"Oh, I called her. But she was on her phone"he said and chewed on his food.

"That brat, didn't I told you both not to overuse your phone"Win gritted his phone and Bear shrugged as he saw Win going to Bun's room.


Just when Bun locked her phone and stood up Win came into her room and she stared at her.

"Oh mom?"

"Who were you chatting with?"Win asked and raised his eyebrows.


"Bun"Win called her name sternly and she gulped down.

"It was...... Tine, yeah Tine. I was about to go to shopping with Tine, Wat ,Bear and Aria. I was talking to him about that"

"Can't you wait till the dinner is done?"he asked and she sighed.

"I'm coming mom. See I finished chatting, let's go"she put her phone aside and clinged onto Win and Win rolled his eyes and walked out to the dining room with her.

They both went to sleep after dinner but Win waited since Bright haven't came back yet.

His eyes were heavy and he was almost sleeping when the door clicked open and he opened his eyes to see his husband entering the hall , he was tired.

"Oh Win, I thought you slept at time"Bright said as he sat next to Win.

"Was I supposed to sleep when my dear husband wasn't home at time?"Win asked getting a bit mad.

"I'm soo sorry. I met my old friend on my way and we talked a bit"Bright said and Win scrunched his nose.

"Excuse me? Did you talked or got drunk?"Win glared at him and he looked back at him.

"Drink? Me? Noo I didn't"Bright pouted, too obvious that he was drunk.

"Seriously? How many do I have to say don't come home late and don't get drunk? Do you remember that we have two kids who are growing up seeing you in this house?"Win stood up.

"Uh- didn't they slept?"Bright asked and Win rolled his eyes.

"Of course they did and you will sleep here tonight. And don't get drunk next time"Win warned and Bright grabbed his hand.

"Ummm please can I sleep with you🥺?"Bright pouted and Win stared at him.


"Pretty please......one more chance"he begged and Win's eyes softened as he sighed and sat next to him.

"P'Bright.....we have two children. They're growing up and they'll naturally copy our lifestyles since they are watching us everyday. If you drink like this they'll also have the tendency to do that and as the time pass by when we will scold them they'll ask us back if daddy/mommy can do it,then why can't we?" Win said and Bright nodded thinking that was right.

"I'm sorry and I will not repeat this, this is the last time. Can I go with you to our room?"Bright clinged onto him tightly and Win smiled and get himself out of Bright's hold and stood up.

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