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It's been two days since they both went abroad and two house were left silent just like that. Most of the time's they left messages for each bcz of the time difference between the countries.

"Bear, come and eat your dinner"Win said and Bear instantly walked down where Win and Bright were waiting for him.

"Are you done with your homeworks?"Bright asked.

"Yes dad"he said and Bright nodded.

"Bear, I called your teacher's last day. Good thing that they said you're improving a lot.......keep going, good job"Win smiled and Bear felt proud. Ever since Bun left he was bored without no one to fight with,but he wanted to make everyone proud in him so Bun will be more happy in him. He started concentrating more with help of Sarawat.

"I'm proud of you boy, you manage the timing for your football practice and studies well.......great thing"Bright said and Bear grinned.

Brightwin never hold themselves back from congratulate their kids when they do something good and scold for bad. They were important to each other more than they express in words.

After finishing dinner they were sitting in the living room, watching television for a while when Win's phone started ringing. His face light-up as he checked the caller id an Bright and Bear understood who it possibly can be.

"Hello sweety,How're you doing there?"

"I just visited my college mom. Everything's good,they said I can start from tomorrow. How're you mom? Where's dad and Bear?"Miriam steal a glance at her while she was driving.

"Aunt is driving right now. Hey, I'm a good girl I don't stress them out"Bun chuckled along with Miriam.

"I know you're about to go to bed, sleep tight mom. I'll leave texts, love you and miss you. Mwaah😘"Bun also spoke a little with Bright and Bear before cutting the call.

"How're they?"Miriam asked.

"They're doing good. Just missing me a little"

"That's understandable, who'll not miss you"they smiled at eachother.

"We have to get some things for kitchen and all, are you okay with coming along or should I drop you off at home first?"

"No aunty, I'm fine with going along, I Also have something to buy"she smiled and Miriam nodded.

"Lilly will be coming back from her grandparents tonight. She's excited to see you"Miriam said and Bun grinned.

"Me too"


"You'll have a roommate so be nice to him. Get back at the dorm before 7pm and that's must. If you wanna change your roommate you must find one another person yourself and come up here with a convincing reason. Other rules,you can learn from others. I hope you'll be nice, here are the keys"the lady have Time the keys and be bowed.

"Thanks"he then dragged his bags to the elevator since his room is said to be on the 4th floor.

The dorm was quite a nice one I appearance and is clean.

The elevator door was about to close when he heard yelling.

"Hey HEY WAIT-"Tine quickly but his bag between the doors, putting his legs to be a hero might be a risk and with a little risk he may lose his leg. So no taking risk about that,lol.

A tall boy thanked him and jumped into the elevator as Tine pulled back his back and the elevator door closed.

"Thanks for that"the boy was a little taller than Tine and he was good looking.

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