a small note❤️

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Okay so.....

Hello all, as some of you already know, this book is coming to an end very soon.

I know lately the chapters are a bit disappointing (to me it's very disappointing like it's not at all good) but soon the moment you were waiting for will come. SarawaTine.

In a few chapters book 3 will be ending before this month finish.

About book 4 I've thought and hereby I'm confirming that I will write book 4 if my phone will still be with me after this month.

My parents are planning take away my phone soon but they said if I'm being good and do everything like they say (like to wake up very early do stuffs and house chores,which I do but not daily) and earn a good impression then they'll let me keep it.

So imma be good girl and work hard for my phone,hehe. ( But I'm not lazy. No no).

If I win their like then the first thing I'm gonna do will be publishing the first chapter of Book-4.

So until I'm gonna miss y'all, your like,love, support, comments and opinions etc etc etc and I'm gonna miss that all until then.I hope you'll wait for me and continue supporting me.

But I just want you all to know that I love y'all very much and if you feel like alone or no one to listen, you can freely text me and see me as a friend and I'll be by your side to listen and support you.

I love you all my friends ❤️

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