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"W-what?"Bun stuttered and looked at Sarawat in shock.

"Y-you're gay and you have a crush on T-Tine?"Bun asked and he nodded nervously.

"Does he know?"She asked and he shook his head.

"Ayo Wat........you should've tell him first"Bun said and touched his shoulder.

"I-im scared......."Sarawat said the truth and Bun's eye's softened.

"Are you afraid that he'll reject you?"she asked softly and he nodded.

"Wat.......what if he feels the same?"she asked and he looked up at her.

"I mean..I don't know, but sometimes I've felt like he have a special soft corner for you. I've been with him from when we were very young and I know him well. But I just can't state something so quickly. Atleast you should say it to him and if he feels the same for you, then it's a win for both but if he don't then you atleast can said that you tried"Bun said and Sarawat shook his head.

"It'll be awkward between us later on"Sarawat said and Bun sighed.

"Hmmmmm there's a chance. Let's see what can we do about this, don't worry, I've got this"Bun reassured him about it and Sarawat smiled as Bun hugged him and ruffled his hair with a smile.


"Tine....."Bun called his name while they were watching a movie. Sarawat was in his room.

"Hmm, what?"

"What do you think about Wat?"Bun asked and Tine's eyes widened as he looked at Bun, he was Afraid she's suspecting something.

"W-why are you asking me? Isn't he your cousin?"Tine asked back.

"Tsk. But he have been with you and away from me for a while now. I'm just curious. He's still a baby and we shouldn't let him go off limits"She said and Tine stared at her.

"Ehh what are you looking at? Am I that pretty to be stared at?"she made a flower pose and blinked her eyes.

"You look ugly"he made a puking face and she smacked his head.

"Shut up"she said and he chuckled.

"And answer my question"she said.

"What do you want to know Bun? He's just the way he is..........but....."he said.

"But?" Bun asked but Tine really don't wanted her to know that her cousin is gay from her bestfriend, Wat may not like it.

"But what? Nothing.........ah but there's this guy who's continuesly disturbing him"Tine suddenly said and Bun frowned.

"A guy? Who's that? Why is he disturbing my brother?"Bun asked.

"Lucas. He's our senior, but he's not that good guy. He always ask him to hangout with him"Tine complained and Bun rolled her eyes.

"Hanging out isn't something bad. There's nothing wrong with it"

"There is.......that just doesn't feel good"Tine said and Bun looked at him.

"It's not like he's your boyfriend"she said and he looked at her without breathing.

"Or...........is he?"she asked and he pinched her hand.

"Shut up, we're watching a movie"no matter how many time Bun tried to talk to him later, Tine didn't answer to her.


A beautiful girl looking for Lucas, such a handsome man isn't a new thing to them.

Lucas went to the girl who was searching for her.

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