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Her eyes widened when he was walking back without noticing the stairs and one step back, he would fall.

"FELIX,BABY WATCH OUT"Bun yelled when Felix's feet slipped from the upstairs and started to fall.

"GOTCHA"Someone stretched hand to wrap around Felix as he took him up.

Bun opened her eyes with tears to see Bear standing upstairs with a shocked Felix in his embrace.

Jisoo was trying to make it easy with Win and was with him in the kitchen when they heard the yell and both ran into the hall.

"Oh my......."Bun ran upstairs and Bear handed Felix to her and smiled. But the little one was too shocked but it a while for him to realise that he was about to fall and out of nowhere he started crying loudly and Win and Jisoo came upstairs worriedly.

Bun and Jisoo tried to calm him down but he was listening to no one and was trying to get out from Bun's and Jisoo's grip.

"Let me take him"Bun looked up to see her mom asking for Felix and she handed Felix to him.

To their surprise the little one quickly clinged onto Win and Win smiled a little before looking at the three.

"Have no idea how to raise a baby?"He rolled his eyes and walked downstairs. Bun still had tears in her eyes and Jisoo pat her back to calm her down.

"Sis, you can go with them, he might look for you. I'll take her to room"Bear said and Jisoo nodded a little and walked down as Bear convinced her to.

"Hey Bun, it's fine, nothing happened....... he's fine, all good"Bear said and hugged her to calm her down.


"Goodmorning Tine, you have a gift"his mom smiled at him and he looked at her confused.

"Gift? In early morning? It's only 7pm- and it's not my birthday"Tine said and his mom shook her head.

"Ah, come and see for yourself"she said and he made his way to the kitchen counter only to find a red rose with a small sticky note with a smiley on it.

"This is it? It's the gift? Where did you find it mom? Are you playing with me?"

"Aaha, do I look like that young to play games with you. I was going to take the newspaper and saw this on top of it-"

"Don't tell me it's from that newspaper boy"Tine said and his mom chuckled at his face.

"Well, I don't know. But the rose is very pretty and fresh"she said and he put it back on the kitchen counter.

"What are doing? Aren't you taking it with you?"

"I don't know who it is from so maybe you can take it- oh wait, what if it's from dad. He's on business trip but want to give something to you so he asked someone to do it for you"he wriggled his eyebrows and his mom chuckled.

"Should I remind you that the only time he brought me flowers was on our wedding"

"Ah yes and that's sad"

"Ikr, but no you gotta take it up to your room weather you like it or not. A gift is a gift anyways"his mom insisted on taking it to his room.


"Uhh he like choclate cookies- yeah sure"Bun stared at the screen of her phone when Sarawat hanged up and shrugged.

"I want cookies too"the girls and bear turned their head hearing Felix saying to Win who grinned at him and picked him up.

"What my boy ask, he gets it"he said and walked inside with Felix chuckling in his arms.

"They are getting along well"Bun smiled and Jisoo who smiled back at her.

2GETHER TILL THE END[BOOK-3]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now