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"uhhh Bun, can you help me with this? Like real quickly? please" Lilly pleaded to Bun who was almost ready to go to college. Lilly was ready to go to school but she got one more maths problem as homework.

"This is why I told you to do homeworks before going to bed, let me see it"Bun took a look at the problem and said how it is done easily.

Miriam and Tonhon came into there with a smile.

"Come here you both, eat breakfast"Tonhon said and they got up after doing the problem.

"Bun, why you never tie up your hair?"Miriam asked and Bun suddenly missed her mom.

"Ummmmm I really don't know how to do it. Mom used to tie up my hair at home"she said and Tonhon Chuckled at her cuteness.

"Come here,let me do it"Miriam stood behind her chair and as she did her hain while Bun ate her breakfast. Luckily they were treating her as if she's their own child. Tonhon also drove both of them to their class and picked them up everyday.

"I think you are late today"Tonhon said looking at the empty campus ground with one or two students and teachers here and there.

"Do you want me to see your teacher?"he didn't want her to get scolded.

"No no, I'm quite used to it. See you in evening uncle"she got out of the car and waved at him before taking out her hidden talent,which was running faster to her class,lol.


She put her hands on her knees as she was tired from running and the teacher rolled eyes at her.

"Miss Achara, you're 15minute late.why is it?"She crossed her hands and every students looked at her.

"I-im sorry miss. My uncle had to drop his daughter at school first, and she woke up a little late"she said the truth and teacher raised her eyebrows before nodding.

"Since it's your first time being late, you're forgiven. But don't repeat this again, get in and take your seat"She said and Bun walked into the glass with guys and girls eyes following her steps and she sat beside her new friend jessi.

Bun invited a lot admirers from her very first day there for her good looks and cheerful yet bold personality.

Jessie and her fraternal (non-identical) twin sister Katie who apparently is taking different class from them.

"Hey babe"Jessie smiled and Bun smiled back.

"Hi"she sighed as she placed down her book to concentrate on the class.

"Did you saw that William drooling over you?"Jessi whispered and Bun looked at her right side to see her classmate who was also a playboy looking back at her and smirking at her. Bun scoffed and raised her middle finger for his eyes without teacher noticing and a few students who saw this gasped silently, including William and Jessie.

"Woaah girl, easy there. He might make a bad move one you"Jessie said and Bun smiled.

"I'll not care and as I said before, I'm taken"she winked and Jessie smiled.

"Let's talk later or we'll go outside of the class"Bun warned and Jessie nodded.

"So tell me more about your boyfriend?"Katie said and Jessie sipped on her shoes.

"Why? Interested?"Bun smirked and Katie scoffed.

"Interested in a man I've never seen before? Never. And besides I'm not that type to steal someone's boyfriend and never ever from my bestfriend"she said and Bun Chuckled.

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