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"This is my boyfriend. Chat this is Jessie and Katie, my friends"Bun introduced them to eachother and they smiled at eachother.

"Oye Bun, he's really handsome. You're so lucky"Jessie said as if she's Jealous and Bun chuckled with Chat and Katie slapped on Jessie's hand gesturing her to be quiet.

"Uh Bun, we'll eat at the next table. You're meeting eachother after a while, enjoy your time"Katie said and nudged Jessie to come with her, Jessie reluctantly get up and went with her sister.

"So......."He looked into her eyes made her cheeks go red.

"S-so.......this is the surprise?"she asked and he chuckled.

"What do you think?"

"Yes?"she answered but more like a question.

"Wrong. This is just a small surprise, the real thing is to happen soon"He grinned and she whinned but laughed later on.

"Are you staying here?"she asked.

"This is my first time here, I asked my dad for weeks to let me go here just to meet you. So I'll stay for someday before going back. But since you're staying with your aunt, I'll stay somewhere else"he said and she nodded and smiled.

"How are your parents?"she asked.

"They are doing good. What about your's?"

"All amazing like forever"she grinned at the thought of her family and he just smiled a little.

"I have to go to class, see you later"

"Should I pick you up?"he asked.

"No no, my uncle is coming to pick me up. I'm not ready yet to tell about us to my parents. I'll text you later"she said and he nodded. He watched as she walked away with her friends, but no one saw his smile turning into a small smirk.


Tine was getting ready for his class. Since he was the only one in the room, he was changing in the room instead of in the bathroom like when Ash is there.

He was about to wear the shirt when the door slammed open revealing Ash. Damn, why didn't he locked the door?

"WHAT THE HELL BRO?"Tine shouted at him as he used the shirt to cover himself up.

Ash's eyes widened a little bit before his lips forming a small smirk as he looked at Tine from head to toe. He looked like he was not on the right mind.

"W-what are you doing?"Tine asked feeling scared when Ash turned around and locked the door.

"You afraid.....babyboy"he smirked,his voice wasn't clear but it was visible for Tine.

"W-What?- YAAH LET ME GO"within seconds Ash came running to Tine and wrapped his arms around Tine making it hard for him to move.

"You were making me wanting to do it from the first day"Ash Chuckled devilishly as he moved his face closer to Tine's neck.

Tine was strong but not strong enough to fight back Ash and tears started brimming in his eyes. But he tried.

"LET ME GO YOU BASTARD"Tine somehow managed to free his hands and he choked Ash with his hands but Ash was fast enough to react and brought Tine's hand behind him and tried to continue with his actions when they both freezed hearing a click sound.

"Take your hands off him and kneel down"Ash's eye's widened at the voice and Tine was also shocked to see Police officer's in their room and Sarawat with a few staffs behind them.

"I SAID LET GO OFF HIM" the police officer yelled and Ash let go off Tine and turned around. His eyes wandered around the room to find a way to escape but there were too many police officers to even make a tiny move.

The police at the front pointing his gun towards Ash,looked at Sarawat and gestured towards Tine. Sarawat moved forward and wrapped his arms around Tine to bring him closer as he brought him out of the room to his room. There were a few students who were ready to go to school watching them. Ten and Johnny followed them to Sarawat's room.

Tine broke down into tears once he reached Wat's room and Wat pulled him into a hug and let him cry as long as he wanted. They heard a knock on the door and Ten opened the door as Sarawat said.

There stood the police officer.

"Is he alright?"he looked at Tine and Sarawat nodded.

"Still a little shocked"

"We're sorry we weren't able to arrive a little earlier, we sincerely apologise for our delay, but Mr. Sarawat, thanks for your help in catching him"police said and Sarawat nodded a little and watched them leave after promising that he'll never disturb them ever again.

Ten and Johnny looked at him confused.


"Ten, we'll talk about this later"Johnny said as he hold Ten's hand and he nodded.

"Should we stay?"Ten asked and Sarawat looked at Tine and shook his head.

"It's fine, you can go to class. I'll stay with him"Sarawat said and they went out leaving Sarawat and Tine alone.

"P'Tine.......I know this must have been a shock but nothing happened,hmm. Just cry out all you want"Sarawat said letting Tine hug and cry on his chest.

Tine wasn't this weak, but only in front of Sarawat he was weak. Only with Sarawat he felt the urge to be taken cared of. Only with Sarawat he wanted to be with until the end because it's only Sarawat who he is in love with.

Sarawat always know the way to lift up Tine's mood.

He went out when Tine was taking a nap and brought many of his favourite foods and snacks and came back before he wake up. Tine woke up and saw all his favourites ready for him to devour them, except Sarawat because he still wasn't that ready, lol.

Tine slowly forget everything as Sarawat talked about many things but not about what happened in the morning. He even called Bun for him and watched they talk to eachother for half and hour or so.

Later Ten and Johnny joined them after class and they sat together.

"Ash is a drug addict who was abused by his father from a very young age. He was used as a killer and drug dealer by his father and when he didn't did as his father-"

"Wait. Sarawat, How the hell do you know about all these?"Johnny asked and Sarawat looked at them.

"On the other day when I was........"he stopped and remembered what happened a few days ago.


I know this wasn't that interesting but I didn't knew how to bring it up in words in a not so bad way. I tried my best.

Love you all❤️😍🤗

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