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Sarawat soon spotted the driver his parents send for him. He greeted the driver who helped him get the luggages into the car.

He got on the passenger seat catching the driver off gaurd since most of the rich guys always prefer to sit in the backseat like he's the king he is and the driver is his slave who'll just do as he asks. Well,not everyone but most of the rude rich people or just rude people are like that.But Sarawat was different.

"What are we waiting for? Did you forget something?"Sarawat asked the driver concerned and he shook his head causing Wat to smile.

"Then let's go, they must be waiting for him"Sarawat said and the driver smiled and began driving. Sarawat checked through the messages and one message caught his eyes and he smirked a little.


"Eh.......Hi, I'm Tine, we're roommates"Tine smiled at his so called roommate who placed his bags on the bed and just nodded at him.

"Ummm you are?"Tine asked as he watched the boy unpacking, he wasn't even looking at Tine.

"Should I get food for you too?"Tine was trying to be nice here and for that he still got no answer.

"Sshhhh P'Tine, come"He saw Ten whispering to him from the door and he went to him.

"What is it Ten?"Tine asked as he closed the door behind.

"Did he said something to you?"He asked and Tine shook his head.

"He's weird. He didn't uttered a word to me"

"So that's true. I heard from some students that he also didn't said a word at the reception and collected the key and left without listening to them, rude. He didn't talked to anyone here"Ten said and Tine got nervous.

"Is he really normal? What if he don't like my presence?"Tine asked.

"Don't worry, we're just next door and be a little careful, maybe he's just nervous and need some time to get along with others. Anyways Good luck"Ten said and Tine nodded his head hesitantly before going back to his room only to see the boy already sleeping on the bed with his clothes piled up beneath him.

"Owhh"he scrunched his nose in disgust before grabbing his coat and going out.

He didn't wanted to appear as a rude person which is why he brought dinner for his roommate too.

When he got back at his room his jaw dropped seeing books scattered all over his bed and floor and he was sitting in front of the table 2 computers set upped and he was doing something in it.

"Hey what is this?"Tine asked trying not to be angry.

"What is what?"Wooaahhh his voice is deep that it sent chills up his spine.

"W-why are my stuff's messed up?"

"Because I did so?"He said and Tine can't take it anymore.

"See, I can understand if you don't want to be nice and friendly, I can understand if you don't wanna talk with anyone or get along with your roommate or not even tell your name to anyone. But this is a room shared by two people which are you and me and I have equal right in this room like you. You just can't push off all my books of the table for setting up two computers"Tine said and the boy smirked looking at him from head to toe.

"Now you wanna mess with me? I thought you were a good boy........ seems like you need to be taught lessons about how to be a good boy. I can be your teacher, I don't mind"He shrugged and Tine slammed the food box on the table.

"But I do mind. And of you don't clear your stuff's from my part of the table I'm gonna complaint about this. So do good while I'm still being nice"he said and the boy stood up, taller than Tine and standing so close to him that each other can feel the hotness.

2GETHER TILL THE END[BOOK-3]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now