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The kiss was getting heated as they pulled eachother more close and held onto one another tighter,yet gently.❤️

Others looked at each other awkwardly and Bun started to fake cough to alarm them.

"Why is so hot here?"Jessie fanned herself.

"They seem to be enjoying the kiss"Lucas leaned into whispered in Bun's ear and she rolled her eyes.

"I can see that"

"Ahemmm Moving on"Bun said the but the kiss was too good to keep them distracted.

"MOVING ONNN"Lucas yelled making them flinch and move away.

They looked at each other and their face were so red and thye couldn't keep the eye contact for long and they looked away, blushing.


"Friends don't kiss like that"Lucas teased Sarawat only to receive a smack on his back with the remote of Tv.

"Shut up unless you want to be dead"Sarawat said and Lucas chuckled.



"Do you like Bun?"Sarawat looked at Lucas and his eyes widened.

"Her and me? Lol that would be total chaotic"Lucas laughed and anyone could see that was a fake one.

"Oops, almost forgot, I have to treat Jessie"Lucas stood up and grabbed his phone before walking out and Sarawat sighed looking at his back.


"Why don't you move into my apartment then? After two weeks Everyone will go back and I'll be all alone"Bun suggested when Jisoo said she's planning to move out from her house since she felt like she's being a burden for her parents.

"That's not good Bun...... it'll be difficult for you-"

"It'll be not. It's good to move in with someone you know than going somewhere alone with a baby. We can just hire someone to babysit him when we have classes. Think about it. I'll also have a company, trust me living alone is so damn boring"Bun groaned and Jisoo looked hesitant.

"Think about it and don't worry about me, I'll be more than happy about having someone to give me company"Bun smiled and hold her hand reassuringly.

"Bun I've booked the table, call everyone and tell them to come here for lunch"Katie came to them and Bun nodded and dialled Tine's number.


"I never knew you eat like a dinosaur"Bun said to Lucas.

"Well it was you who stole my dinner last night so obviously I'm in lack of energy"Lucas said back and Bun rolled her eyes.

"Tell me this, why do I have to pay for you?"Bun asked and Tine chuckled.

"Bun, can't you see he's a travelling circus and entertaining you all along. Also annoying me too much. You have to pay for it of course"Tine commented and Lucas pout.

"Ouch , too rude. Now I know where she got that rude side from"Lucas said and Tine glared at him.

"Ummm can't I get one more piece of this cake?"Tine asked and Katie shook her head.

"I've asked it but they said what we got was the last and next is still preparing. So I don't think you can get one"she said andhe pouted.

"Here,you can have this"Sarawat said and put the cake he got on Tine's plate and Bun grinned when Lucas nudged her hand.

"Uh? Don't you want?"Tine asked lightly blushing and Sarawat shook his head.

"Eat it now"Sarawat said and they both blushed when friends starting teasing them.

2GETHER TILL THE END[BOOK-3]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now