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"where are you going babe?"Jackson asked to Mark who got ready fast.

"I'm going to Win's,he just called meto come over"Mark said and Max whined.

"When will you be back dad?"Max called Mark 'dad' and Jackson 'paa'.

"I will be back soon"Mark ruffled Max's hair and he smiled.

"Don't you two dare to make any mess in this house"Mark Warned and Jackson chuckled. Max took Charlotte in his hands and get on the couch with his father.

That's right,you read it right. Charlotte is still alive but with Mark and Jackson. Win grew allergic to puppies and they had to give away Charlotte but Win didn't wanted to sent him away to too far away. So Mark and Jackson agreed to take care of him.

"Take care"Jackson said loudly and Mark smiled.

"I will. Bye"Mark said and walked out with his car's key.


"I can't believe you two fought"Mark said and looked at the road.

"Excuse me, it's HIM who started it, not ME"Win said and Mark nodded.

"Got it and btw he last spend time at Mr.Park's house last time. So we're going there"Mark said and Win looked out through the window.

"I don't care to where but I'm definitely going to give him a lesson"Win mumbled.

"To Mr.Park?"Mark asked and Win gritted his teeth.

"No, to your stupid Brother who is also my husband"Win said and hold his fist tightly.

"What have you gotten yourself into P'Bright?"Mark asked to himself and continued driving.


"I've seen your wedding picture before from him. We're business partners but also Friends"

"That's good to know Mr.Park"Win said.

"Even if I'm older just call me Jay"he said and Win nodded.

"Okay Jay"Win forced a smile. He came here just for a file and he have to go back to company before anything happens, there'll be no use to go there after everything is over.

"So would you like to have coffee, juice or-"

"Dear Jay, can you please look for that damn file now, IT'S FREAKING IMPORTANT"Win raised his voice and Mark and Jay flinched on their seats.

"Y-yeah s-sure-.......just wait"Jay said and escaped from there.

"I-i'll just go help him"Mark stood up and Win nodded.

"I'm sorry for Win's sudden outburst. He's just disappointed"Mark apologized and Jay Chuckled nervously.

"I already know from Bright but I was Just too shocked to see it in real. I'm fine tho"Jay said and Chuckled a bit.

"That's great"Mark mumbled back.


Just like Win assumed it to be , Bright lefted the file somewhere in Jay's house accidentally and after a few minutes Jay and Mark managed to find it and gave it to Win.

"I'm sorry for my rude attitude earlier"Win apologized sincerely and Jay Chuckled.

"It's really fine"Jay said and Win bowed to him.

"Let's go now"Win said and Mark nodded.

"This will be the last time he'll be careless with important office stuff's"

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