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Bun and Lucas were having a fight in the shop about which snacks they should get.

"You know what, we are getting my favourite"Bun said.

"Aahhaa in your dreams"Lucas snatched the snacks from her and put it back and took his favourite.

"Put it back"Bun demanded.

"No never"he pouted.

"Geeeez put it back you idiot-"

"You kids, why don't you take one from each?"Jisoo asked and they both looked at her and at eachother and glared.

"Ah let's go and get something for Felix"Bun grabbed Jisoo's hand and walked to the toy section with Lucas following them.

"No Bun.....you don't have to do it all you know. I don't want him to be a spoiled kid, probably in future I won't be abled to provide him atleast what he have now"Jisoo said and Bun smiled.

"That's in the future. Let me just do it, I want to see that cute baby smile"Bun said and Lucas agreed.

They ended up buying a few toys and dress for Felix.


Lucas were in charge to carry all the bags as Jisoo and Bun walked ahead while talking.

They entered her apart and Bun closed and locked the door.

Jisoo and Lucas were in kitchen putting everything on it's place when Bun came rushing into the kitchen and hold them by hands and dragged them to Tine's and Sarawat's room.

Sarawat was sleeping on his back with Felix sleeping on top of him. And then there was Tine who was sleeping with his one arm gently hanged around Felix and Sarawat.

The other three watched the cute view with a happy smile.

"Let me take a picture"Lucas pulled out his phone and managed to click a few photos before Jisoo dragging them back to Kitchen for not disturbing the sleeping boys.


The apartment wasn't silent but filled with different sorts of sounds.

Sarawat was in his room with Tine playing his guitar and having some free talks.

Johnny,Ten and Lucas were in the living room playing video games and shouting at eachother.

Jisoo and Bun were sitting on the balcony with Felix on Bun's lap.

Jisoo Peeled an orange and passed it to Bun in between the conversation and Bun squeezed it to get the orange juice out of it to a small spoon and feed it to Felix carefully.

"Have you took care of a baby before?"Jisoo asked and Bun shook her head, eye's on Felix.

"I have a little bro and Wat's sister also grew up with me. I didnt had to take care of their things since mom was there. But I'm just so used around kids since forever, what about you?"Bun glaced and Jisoo for a second.

"First time. I also don't have any siblings"she said and Bun smiled.

"But you're doing just fine"She said and Jisoo smiled.

"Hold him, I'll check up on boy's"Bun gave Felix to Jisoo and made her way to the living room.

Bun made herself sit between Lucas and Johnny.

"When are you three gonna stop? You've been playing for hours now"she said and Lucas chuckled.

"We'll stop after a few more rounds babygirl"he said and she smacked his hand.

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