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"So you have more friend's?"In the morning while getting ready to class Tine was faced with this question from the usually silent boy Ash.

"So you have voice in your throat"Tine scoffed and Ash smiled a little before it faded in a second.

"Were you worried?"Ash asked smirking and Tine stuck out his tongue.

"You wish. And yeah I do have friend's, many more than you think. I'm not a creep like you to have no people around me"Tine said and Ash mockingly made a tired expression and shrugged his shoulder before grabbing his bag and walking out of the room.

Tine rolled his eyes and shook his head before getting his bag and walking out of room and he saw Sarawat in front of his room.

For a minute Tine hoped if he was waiting for and of course he was but no one's gonna admit it, now are they?

"Didn't you went to school?"Tine asked and Sarawat's mood instantly lifted to a happy one seeing the person he was waiting for.

"I'm a little bit late, just about to go"he lied and Tine sighed thinking He wasn't waiting for him.

"But.........wanna go together?"Sarawat asked and Tine looked at him with shining eyes.

"Sure..I mean- my friends already went so I'm alone, so yeah of course"Tine said and Sarawat smiled and he walk in front while Tine grinned before hiding it and catching up with Sarawat as they walked together.

"I'm going to my class now"Tine said and Sarawat nodded.

"Hmmm,me too. Take care"Sarawat said and Tine chuckled.

"Hey I'm the elder one here, and you're treating me like a baby"

"Because you're a baby"Sarawat smiled and Tine's cheeks turned bright red and Sarawat chuckled.

"Bye baby, take care"Sarawat teased and walked to his building leaving Tine blushing.

"Ay you brat"Tine called out loud and shook his head with a chuckle.

Sarawat is messing with his heart too much, Tine just couldn't beleive how his crush called him baby just now and walked away. Such a tease, tsk.


Win was watering the flowers when a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, he didn't had to be afraid because he knew itbwas Bright.

They were at their small house in middle of the artificial grove that was designed by Bright for them to live in after their children's marriage.

"Ehh what are you doing?"Win tried to sound annoyed,but didn't worked out.

"Just hugging my love"Bright mumbled and Win Chuckled.

"Yah, do you even realise that soon our skin will start wrinkling. Still you're a pervert"Win fake complainted and Bright smiled while making the back hug a little more tighter.

"Because I'm still a lover, liver to the love of my life"Bright whispered making Win laugh.

"Aah stopp, it's embarassing"he laughed and Bright laughed along.

"If you keep hugging How will I water plant's?"Win asked.

"Let's do this,I have no problem with watering plants with you hugging me. I'll do the job for sometime if you'll back hug me, we can't switch roles"Bright suggested and Win laughed and give in.

Later on Bright watered the plants as Win back hugged him softly and they spent a little more time by humming songs just like that.


"It's not like that kids, here let me show how it's done"Ohm took the knife from Bear's hands and he starting chopping the onion fastly in shape and both Aria and Bear watched him amazed.

"That's great uncle, I'll try it"Bear said and took back the knife.

"Be careful and slow, don't hurt yourself"Ohm smiled.

"Ari, wash the other vegetables"Ohm said and she did as he said.

After cooking together they sat down together and ate the food they prepared together.

"See,you both did a great job"Ohm appreciated them.

"But we didn't did it alone"Aria pouted.

"But one day you'll do it on your own. Isn't it like that Bear?"Ohm Asked and bear nodded.

"Yes, one day we'll do it alone in our style"Bear said and Aria grinned and Ohm looked at them adoringly.


"You should pair up as teams with two in each and finish this project before this Friday. That's all for Today, thanks"Teacher said and left the class and Everyone groaned except for Jessie,Bun and Jisoo.

"Let's make a team"Jessie said excitedly and Bun was about to say when she saw no one approaching Jisoo and she looked down at her desk.

Jisoo closed her books and she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to see Bun smiling at her.

"I have no other friends, want to be a team together?"she asked and Jisoo looked at her with an unbelievable expression.

"What about Jessi?"She asked and Bun pointed at Jessie who already got a boy as her teammate and talking with him.

"Sure"Jisoo smiled a bit and Bun smiled back.

"Is it okay to do at your house?"Bun Asked and he eyes widened a little and she shook her a little.

"C-can we do it s-somewhere else?"She asked and she was nervous.

"Hey don't be nervous. I'm staying with my aunt so I don't want to cause a disturbance their. Don't worry we can find a solution for it"Bun reassured her with a smile and she nodded feeling relieved.

"Ummmm,how about this, our college Library will only close 2hour after the classes end. We can do it there and the rest, we can do it in any cafe for a half hour. In two or three days we can finish this"Bun said well planned and Jisoo smiled.

"That's nice"she said and Jessie joined them not so long after.


Sarawat was walking to the class with Ten when they saw someone getting punched by a group of seniors. Sarawat got startled by it but Ten didn't even noticed it when he saw his boyfriend on the other side and went to him.

Sarawat suddenly ran to the group of seniors and called on of them by touching their Shoulder.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?"he yelled and Sarawat who had a cold face.

"Be nice, I'm helping you. Teacher is coming this way"Sarawat said looking behind where there was no one but the seniors beleived him and ran from there leaving the boy on the ground with bruises.

It didn't took long for Sarawat to realise that the boy was Tine's roommate who is creepy and kind of dangerous.

He lied on the ground hugging his knees in pain and groaned.

Sarawat looked at him silently for a few minutes before shaking his head and continued to walk to his class.

Ash breathed heavily for sometime before passing out on the floor.

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