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Tine hugged Bun tightly like he don't want to let her go and she patted her back.

"Everything will be ok Tine.......... he'll come back..........."she reassured him even if she wasn't sure about it.

Just when the boys were about to enter they heard Lucas's name called from behind and turned around to see Jessie running to there with Katie behind her.

She was about to fall but Lucas caught her in time and looked at her worriedly.

"Hey, be careful......."he said and she smiled looking at his eyes and her eyes started to get teary and others frowned.

"What happened Jessie? A-are you okay? Are you hurt-"

"Listen me out Lucas........"she breathed out and he hold her Shoulders.

"T-this is for you........"she extended her hand with the beautiful bouquet in her hand and his heart fluttered at the sight.

"For m-me?"

"Hmmmm, do you like it?"

"T-they are beautiful.......I loved it......."

"Lucas........I know all along I was clinging onto you, probably making you annoyed..........-"

"You didn't-"

"I don't know if you feel the same but I have a feeling that I'll never get to say this to you again if not now........and I don't want to regret like Tine or my sister........ It's hard for me to watch them being this sad and I'm sure if I'm to regret, I can't handle it all together. Trust me, whatever your response is, I'll accept it with my whole heart so don't be afraid of being honest......"she stopped and Lucas looked at her.

"I lo-"

"I love you Jessie......."Lucas cut in and her eyes widened.

"I really do......I always did and I was just afraid that you were my fangirl and probably after my looks, what if I lose all these looks one day? I'm afraid you'll leave m-"Jessie grabbed him by his shoulder and pulled him down to kiss him on his lips and Bun smiled and hugged Katie happily.

She pulled away and Lucas chuckled.

"Shhhh boy........I promise, let's grow old together"she said and he smiled and pressed his forehead against her's.

"I promise you too Jessie"he mumbled and she cried out of happiness.

"Lucas....."Johnny called out him and she pulled away.

"You've to go now,Lucas......"she said sadly and he nodded gulping down his tears.

"Atleast this time when I'm going back, I have someone waiting for me to come back soon...... I'll text you baby..........take care"He kissed her forehead and she smiled.

"Take care and have a nice flight....... I'll wait for you"she said and he smiled and reassured her before walking in with his friends.

He turned around to smile and wave at Bun and the other two.

"Finally you did it, baby"Bun hugged her and she chuckled.

"What about you?"

"Me? What about me?"

"Do you think I can't understand what's in your mind?"Jessie asked and Bun smiled.

"I've to go back now. See you two later"she said as she walked back to her car.


She assumed Jisoo must be sleeping and took out the spare key and opened the door of apartment and closed the door behind.

2GETHER TILL THE END[BOOK-3]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now