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"Okay so, our lovely blinks, Jisoo have something to say to all of us, so let's listen to her now"Jennie said and every blinks cheered and remained silent for her to speak.

Jisoo was nervous and Lisa touched her hand and blinked her eyes gesturing 'you can do it, it'll be fine' and Jisoo smiled.

"Hey dear blinks, it's me Jisoo.........so.....uhmmm I don't know how to begin, but I know after revealing this you're not gonna see me as you did before...........so, year's ago, when I wasn't a girl who was so popular or had many people who love her around...I met a guy......we fall in lov- I fall in love, or I could just say he cheated......."Jisoo stopped when the blinks gasped and Rose went to her side and hold her hand.

"He left me when I was p-pregnant.......I gave birth to a beautiful boy angel,my son"Jisoo said and she could see the whole were surprised, whispering to each other, gasping and all and Jennie smiled at Jisoo.

"That's amazing ji, you're blessed"she said and Jisoo smiled.

"I am........then I found a person who light up my whole life....... I'm sure if I never met her, I wouldn't have been here as the Jisoo you know. She made her way to my life, my life where I didn't let anyone walk in like that after I was once cheated. She taught me to smile again, love again, enjoy everything around me.........she supported me, became my backbone, always hold me when I felt like I would fall, took care of my son and became the love of my life......... that's right, I'm a mother and a girl who fall in love with another girl. I'm not ashamed of who I am because this is what I am and this is how I am being happy. I know this is something others might not like to accept but this is the real me. I am an artist but I'm also a mother and a lover. I love music but I love my family more.........if I'm to be kicked out from here I promise to the loved once of mine that I will live, live a happy life with my family.............but I hope......I hope that you can accept me for who I am.......for who I really am........"Jisoo said with a smile but a cracked voice and her bandmates hugged her.

They could see people leaving from the audience gallary of the concert area and Jisoo looked down.

"D-did I ruined you guys too?"She asked with a weak tone to others and Rose smiled.

"You didn't Ji.....have you forgotten we're your family too?"Rose Asked and hugged her.

"Even if you have to leave, I'm sure you'll gain more as a solo artist, whoever lose you will be at lose"Lisa said in sad voice.

"We love you ji....... we're happy for you"Jennie said.

"WE'RE WITH YOU JISOO UNNIE.........WE LOVE YOU ANYWAYS"They heard someone yelling from the crowd and soon the whole crowd started to shout and yell I love you's and their support for their idol making Jisoo smile again in tears.


The year was an amazing year.......many idol's come out with their love life bravely, many were hated by their fan's but they didn't care, they have their loved one's still beside them, holding them close.

"Can you tell us a few about your love life, if you're okay with it?" Together is now attending an interview and the interviewer asked him politely.

"Sure......my love life wasn't easy.......he was afraid of people and how they'll think about us if we were to be a couple and this fear was something that pulled him away from me. Many years we were apart and the seperations made us understand more about how much we mean to eachother. However now we're together and that's all it matters to me now-"

"They're are many more famous people wanting to be with you, why don't you choose one from them?" The second interviewer asked clearly wanting to make him uncomfortable.

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