44. The Earth King's Party

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I stepped out of the room, a fan covering my face. After teaching Katara everything she needed to know, which she caught on quickly, Toph was the one to decide if she was ready. I couldn't get used to the fact that Toph actually looked pretty. It wasn't like she wasn't, but this clearly wasn't her style. Her black hair was put in two braids, her kimono held her body which I had never realized it was petite till today. I guess it was because her usual outfit hid her body.

Katara looked beautiful as always. The makeup Toph chose for her brought out her ocean blue eyes and she also had a kimono the same design as mine. Her dark hair had been held up in the same way as mine except that some of my hair fell down my back.

"Are you guys getting out or what?" I asked them. The boys, hearing my voice appeared at the same time Toph and Katara got out. Katara got on my left and Toph on my right with their fans also covering half their faces. We giggled like what we were supposed to do. Katara wanted to speak but Toph stopped her.

"Don't speak to the commoners, Katara."  I thought Sokka would complain but he was busy staring at...me. I walked up to him.

"Sokka, you're making me nervous." That seemed to snap him out of his trance but then he said,

"You look beautiful." I think the pink blush powder on my cheeks saved me because I was downright blushing. "And the reason why Kuzon and I used to argue a lot was because of you." If my face wasn't red before it was totally red now. But after trying to keep it cool for a minute, I asked him,

"Why are you telling me this?" It shocked me because I wasn't used to Sokka telling me everything I wanted to know. I'm used to him leaving me confused like now, when it looks like he likes me but then at some point, he doesn't.

"Because I didn't want you to be angry at me."

To say I wasn't surprised by his reason was an understatement. I didn't know what to say from there. He actually cared, I thought, more than usual. What was happening? "I...I wasn't angry."

"But it was good that I told you. Kuzon is your friend after all."

Mm....no. What happened to Sokka, I asked myself, because this was not him. "Taliya, the carriage is here. Get your butt outside."I heard Toph say from outside. I told Sokka bye and waved Aang goodbye before getting out. I now wished I could talk to Kiki on the way but I left her with the boys. Who was going to tell me what was going on now?

We finally reached and stood in line like everyone else. When we reached the front we were asked for our invitations. I thought we had one but clearly, we didn't when I watched Toph pulled out one of her family documents.

"No entry without an invitation. Step out of line please." The guard said. I was going to figure out a better excuse to say but Toph talked.

"Look, the Pangs and the Yung Soon Hangs are waiting there for us. I'm going to tell them who didn't let me in."

"Step out of line please." The guard repeated and I scowled at him.

"Now what are we going to do now?" I asked and Katara pointed at a carriage that seemed to belong to a very important person. " Oh no." But Katara and Toph dragged me anyway.

A sophisticated man walked out of the carriage and Katara immediately spoke to him. "Sir, I'm sorry to bother you but my cousin lost our invitations." Katara leaned over to whisper,  "She's blind." then continued," Do you think you can help us? Our families are inside and I'm sure they're very worried." The man looked at each of our faces for reasons I couldn't decipher from his face. He had a calm and serious facial expression but there was something about him...... I groaned frustratedly inside. I had a feeling about everyone here in Ba Sing Se, a bad one and I knew it wouldn't be long before we figured out why.

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