"Ugh, it's boring watching you sleep." My eyes snapped open at the sound of Azula's voice. She was sitting beside me examining her razor-sharp pink nails. I sat up quickly. Where was Aang? He wasn't on Appa's head, and I could feel the panic starting to crawl in me. I stood up and watched as Azula laughed as she stood as well with a ball of blue fire.
Taliya, remember she's not there. Sit down, you're going to fall. I heard Kiki's voice in my head but that didn't take away my terror. Then I heard someone land gently beside me and I breathed out calmly as Azula disappeared. I turned to find Aang looking at me worriedly.
"I'm sorry for leaving. It's just I thought....." Aang started but I shook my head.
"Don't apologize. You can't babysit me all the time." I said as we both sat down. He placed his glider down and I frowned. Aang only flew when something was bothering him if he didn't need to get anywhere. I knew he was stressed about not mastering the Avatar State as I was stressed about my inability to firebend.
"I'm still sorry though." Aang apologized again. I gave him a small smile.
"You are so sweet. I cannot imagine not having a friend like you." Aang gave me a huge smile. I really couldn't imagine not having Aang in my life. It was like my real life started when I met him. He was like my own ray of sunshine. I watched as Aang stood up.
"I know we're almost at Chameleon Bay, but how about we see who's the fastest flier?"I immediately called for the power of flight and I watched as Aang watched me in awe. I checked my hair to see it was indigo something I always did when I turned into different colors. I nodded in excitement as I stood.
"I think you're going to lose." I told Aang and he gave me his famous mischievous grin.
"Oh yeah, let's see then. On your marks, get set.......fly!" I jumped off the saddle, enjoying the air around me then realized I was in a race and Aang was ahead of me. I used my willpower to catch up but Aang was really fast. I laughed when he stuck his tongue out at me and I repeated the gesture. I smiled. It was times like this when I wished they would last forever and I could forget all the problems I had in the world. But I knew life wasn't like that. It was unfair.
It wasn't long till we reached Chameleon Bay. I had been flying continuously so I was super exhausted when we arrived. I immediately landed a few steps away from Sokka and a man who looked like his father. Kiki landed on Sokka's shoulder and I watched his surprised look as he turned to face me. I gave him a genuine smile and he walked up to me and gave me a tight hug. "Hey," I told him.
"Hey." He smiled at me and I quickly turned to his father. I shouldn't lead him on, I thought.
"Are you going to introduce me to your dad or what?" I asked excitedly. I was pretty sure his dad was awesome, the way he talked about him. He smiled before introducing me to his dad, Hakoda.
"I'm sorry to ask this, but is this your natural hair color....." I laughed. I now understood where Sokka got his manners from.
"No." I said as I slowly got back to my normal features. Hakoda whispered something in his son's ear and his son blushed. I looked at him questionably and he turned to Aang who had arrived.
"Katara's in trouble."
After saying our goodbyes to Sokka's dad and Bato, we quickly climbed on Appa and left. I was exhausted so I wasn't shocked when I immediately fell asleep. I hoped the nightmares for once wouldn't follow me.
I was warm, too warm and I knew we were in the air so how was this happening? I opened my eyes to find myself in Sokka's arms, covered with a white blanket I stole from the rainbow temple. I couldn't tell if he was awake or not but I internally screamed. How was I going to stay away from Sokka if he did this when I was asleep? Sokka realized I was awake because he removed the blanket that was covering us and when he looked down at me, I blushed. Ugh, I should stop with the blushing, I thought.

Rainbow's Gift (Avatar The Last Airbender Fanfic)
FanfictionLife in the Fire Nation isn't easy. Especially when your father is a commander. After her brother's death, Taliya decided that she needed to do something about the war. So she escaped so she could do something good for the benefit of others. On the...